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When I woke up, it was already dark outside, meaning I slept almost the whole day. But I needed that sleep and I am happy that no one disturbed me. I sat up and then wore my specs. I went to freshen up and headed downstairs. I found Zenzo watching soccer in the lounge. I hope he went to the will reading. I just passed him without greeting and went to the kitchen. I opened the warmer and found pizza. I smiled and took it out. I placed it on the counter and poured juice. I sat down and started eating.

“Can we please talk?” I raised my head to see him standing at the doorway.
“Good to know we still got manners left.” He huffed and walked in. he sat opposite me and held my free hand.

“I was a jerk and I am sorry. I made a mistake of not making it clear to Balungile what you are to me and how much you mean to me. I acted stupid. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting her to just come at my house. I was surprised to be honest and I ran out of words.”
“Do you still desire to be with her?”

“No. no baby. I want you and only you. You are the only woman in the world whom I see my future with. I am sorry if my actions made you act the way you acted and angered you. I know you hate violence and you hate being angry. Please forgive me my love.” I looked at my food and sighed.

“I am leaving tomorrow. I have some business to attend to in Durban. After that I am heading straight to Nongoma and I am going back to my house on Monday.”
“But you said…”

“You neglected me and when I feel neglected, I make sure to remove myself from the equation before I can get my heart broken or feelings hurt.” I said and then continued eating.
“Please don’t leave my love.” he said as he stood up and came to my side.

“Don’t disturb me. I am eating.” He smiled and came to stand behind me. He placed his hands on the counter, caging me in. I exhaled loudly and placed the slice I was holding in the box. I turned my whole body to him and looked at him.

“Let’s see if you can resist Me.” he smirked and then lowered his head. He started planting kisses on my neck.
“We are still talking. Don’t just dismiss me like that.”

“I am not dismissing you. We are still talking.” He whispered in my ear and I swear to God his voice had so much effect in my body. I removed my specs and placed them behind me. “I am sorry wena ka Mbambelashoba. I am sorry Mageba. I am sorry Ndabezitha. Forgive me.” he placed his hand under my chin and tilted my face up. He eyed my lips and before I could say anything, he kissed me.

“Sir you have a… sorry I didn’t realize you were pre occupied.” A voice made us break the kiss and he looked at the doorway. I knew it was one of his guards.
“Banele I am still pleading my case with my wife here. Whatever it is, it can wait.” Banele chuckled and then walked out. “Mababy you love me, I love you. Please don’t leave.” I sighed.

“But you know I am only going to come back here in December. I have to do this. Plus I have already set up the meetings.” He huffed.
“Can you maybe come back here, stay for a day or two and then head back to Nongoma?” he placed his hands on my waist and lifted me. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist.

“I am still not done eating.” He smiled and lowered his hands to my butt. He grabbed it and I squirmed. He chuckled.
“We are not going to do any penetration. I just wanna worship your body. It has been so long since I have showed it some love.” I giggled.
After meeting up with the owners of the companies and settling everything, my guards and I went to a restaurant and we ordered some lunch. I was sitting there while waiting for my order when someone shouted my name. I frowned and looked up. I chuckled when I saw my former classmate walking in with a smile. We went to the same university. He always wanted to compete with me but then you can’t compete with greatness.

“OMG! You are as scarce as a loyal Zulu man.” he said as he came to my table. I laughed and stood up. We shared a hug and he joined me. He called a waiter and placed his order. “Dude you are really scarce. I mean the last time I saw you was then you came late at your own graduation.” I laughed. I was really late at my graduation and it was all because of dad. It took weeks for me to forgive him for making me late.

“It was all dad’s fault. You know I don’t like attention.” I answered with a smile.
“But you loved making fun of me, like all the time.” I laughed and shook my head.
“You are the one who loved attention and loved challenging me. I just did my work in peace and then you came around and tried to compete with me. You set yourself up for failure.”

“Listen to that arrogancy.” He said rolling his eyes and I just threw my head back laughing. The waiter came and placed my food in the table.
“Thank you.” I smiled at him and started eating.
“You’re being rude. Wait for my order to come.”
“You are late, like always.” He laughed and shook his head.

I stopped eating and my eyes popped out when I saw my man walking in the restaurant. He looked good wearing a black tight shirt, black slim fit pants and black red bottoms. I cleared my throat and looked at my guests. I knew Zenzo was here for me and he was definitely going to throw a fit when he saw I was dining with a man. The waiter brought Mpumelelo’s meal and he started eating. I also resumed eating. I knew Zenzo would recognize me within a few minutes. I just hoped he wouldn’t cause drama.

“So where are you hiding yourself?” Mpumelelo asked and I chuckled.
“If I told you then I would have to kill you.” he laughed.
“Mababy.” I raised my head and he was standing near me looking dangerously handsome. God, I felt myself getting wetter by the second.

“Hey love. I didn’t know you were in town.” He smiled and extended his hand. I cleared my throat and stood up. He hugged me and planted a kiss on my neck. I swallowed hard and turned to Mpumelelo. “This is Zenzo, my boyfriend. Babe this is my former classmate, Mpumelelo.”

“Such a pleasure to meet someone from my girlfriend’s past. It’s rare to see someone who knows her.” Zenzo said as Banele brought him a chair. He opened it and indicated I sit, he then sat on my chair.

“I know what you’re talking about. I think we only knew each other because I loved competing with her. She was very reserved and kept it to herself. I think her only real friend was and still is Libongwe.” Mpumelelo said and Zenzo laughed.

“I know exactly what you’re talking about. I haven’t met her real friend except sis Nompilo who doesn’t count because she is her sister.”
“Stop talking about me like I am not her.” I said as I pouted and took my plate. He held it and shook his head adorably.
“I will feed you.” he said.

“I feel like I am trespassing right now. It was nice seeing you Princess.” Mpumelelo said as he stood up with his plate. I smiled and waved at him. He went to sit at the table where Libongwe was.
“You are so rude.” I said and he rolled his eyes smiling.
“I feel insecure when I see another man dining with my wife. My body heats up.”

“And now you can see how I felt when Balungile was at your house. Not that Mpumelelo is an ex but that feeling you get when your partner is paying attention to another person of the opposite gender. Kujuluka ezinoboya.” He laughed loudly and shook his head.

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