Headcanons • Interactions

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• Simon calls Harry Haz, and is pretty much the only one who does. It's sort of a thing at this point; Haz is Simon's nickname.

• The bean bag in Simon and JJ's flat is there solely for Harry to curl up on, out of the way of the others. Sometimes he just needs some space whilst still being with his boys. (I have an OT7 oneshot planned based on this.)

If Harry wants to hold your hand, you let him hold your hand. (Sometimes the boys pretend to be annoyed but it's all a façade. They love it.)

• With nicknames like Bog and Boggo, they all use them sometimes but Ethan uses them the most.

• The others usually just call him Harry.

• On occasions where he's particularly whiny, Harry tends to use nicknames derived from the boys' actual names.

• Vikky, Joshy and Si are used the most.

• Harry couldn't think of ones for JJ, Tobi and Ethan so he just exaggerates their names.

• Josh used to be the only one to call Tobi Tobes and Harry doesn't want to overstep so he doesn't use it.

• The other boys have no such qualms. (Ethan and Simon, mostly.)

• All the boys have felt like a dad at least once in the time they've known each other, all because of Harry.

• Similiarly, sometimes Harry feels like he has an extra six dads instead of six friends.

• It was even worse when he lived with both Lux AND Freezy.

• Even after Lux moved out it still feels like that.

• Harry is a child.

• But he can be serious sometimes, when he wants to be.

• Harry doesn't talk a lot, but when he's interested in a topic enough, it's hard to shut him up.

• Usually, to do so, the others will just kiss his cheek or something and he'll get too flustered to continue.

• Hugs!! Lot's of hugs. These boys are very affectionate.

• When they're in the comfort of their various flats, cuddles happen a lot too.

• When they're tired, they're all a lot more affectionate. Very touchy feely.

• If they're that tired, they can get quite emotional too.

• Simon and Vik both get very cranky if they haven't had enough sleep. They tend to snap at people for no reason because of this.

• When they're more awake they feel very guilty about doing so and rush to apologise and make sure the people they snapped at don't hate them.

• If JJ hasn't had enough sleep he just crashes. Before he does, his movements will be a lot slower and his reactions lowered.

• He has no reflexes when he's tired!

• Which leads to bruises and cuts because he wasn't paying attention.

• Most people don't know when Josh hasn't had enough sleep, but he tends to get quieter.

• If Josh hasn't spoken at all in a while, the boys just resort to trying to knock him out. How else will they get him to sleep??

• This once resulted in a trip to the hospital for Josh because Harry hit him around the head with a frying pan.

• The plan worked though because the meds they gave him at the hospital put him to sleep.

• This soothed any guilt he previously had about his actions.

• It's even harder to tell when Tobi needs sleep because he just seems so unbothered.

• They turn around for one second and when they look back he's just snoozing away.

• It doesn't matter where they are.

• Unless they're filming then he holds off for as long as he can.

• It's obvious when Ethan hasn't had enough sleep because he just whinges about it nonstop.

• "Lads, I'm so tired." "Boys, I need sleep, okay?" "FUCK, my eyes hurt."

• Harry's usually the first one to tell him to shut up.

• Josh tells him to get more sleep if he's so tired.

• When Harry hasn't had enough sleep, he gets really clingy. Hugs for everyone!! Kisses for everyone!! Cuddles!!

• He's also the most physically obvious when he's tired. He gets these dark purple bags under his eyes and his eyes are like permanently half-shut.

• Tobi calls Harry buddy a lot.

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