Chapter 1 - Dear Diary

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Lila's POV

I kept tossing and turning in my sleep for some reason. I couldn't stop thinking about her. The Queen's daughter. I didn't have a crush on her, I was just...worried. I was lucky that I was in this room by myself, otherwise I would have disturbed the other girls. I let out a small sigh, sitting up and deciding to write a few things down into my diary. I never leave without it. 

I turned on the bedside light, and opened my diary. My personal, special black pen was sitting on the table next to my bed, so I picked it up gently. The Queen's daughter had it made especially for me because she liked me. A lot. But not in a romantic way since I was nothing. Lila, just write in your damn diary. Don't talk to yourself like a weird person.

I looked down at my diary, and continued to write it in from last time, which was from this morning. 

"Dear Diary," I started the last paragraph. "I can't stop thinking about tomorrow. It will be her 19th birthday. Her mother's a vampire. We both know what that means. My best friend, her daughter, will be turned. And there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening. I'm feeling all sorts of emotions and it's tiring me out. I have to be ready soon, so I'll try to get some sleep. I don't want to let her down. Talk later." I closed the paragraph with a little drawing of a flower, as it was my signature. 

I then placed down the diary on the table along with my pen and turned off the light. I laid myself down and began to rest my eyes. 

A few hours later, it was the morning again and the big day that I was dreading. I sat up and looked over to the bedside table. Oh no.

Oh shit. 

My diary...

There was a note that replaced my diary, telling me that it was going to be a birthday present to Fern. 

The Queen's daughter. 

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