Chapter 5 - Her First Blood Moon (Edited)

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// TITLE!!! <3 <3 

Lila's POV

A couple of weeks later, Fern and I were finally settled into our new home together. I discovered my favourite thing to do, and that was to relax in the hot tub. The kitchen was modern and...very white. But we will change that later since Fern hated it too. I also found out that she had a talent in art. For a Queen, she's very creative and sometimes excitable. 

Our friendship was just about unbreakable at this point and time. I just loved spending time with the one that I loved from the beginning of...being a slave. I was 16 and now I was the same age as Fern. No, we haven't kissed yet. It felt kind of wrong, having a crush on her but...she did have a crush on me

I let out a sigh, sitting on our lovely little balcony outside our bedroom, watching the sunset. I was also watching Fern paint it, making me smile down at her. She turned her head to look at me, raising her arm up to wave at me. "Want to see it, then?" she asked. "Coming!" I replied cheerfully, feeling quite happy with the way things were going for us. I went back into the bedroom and walked downstairs to join her. 

"Oh wow, it's very beautiful. You really do have a talent in it." I complimented her, whilst I was walking towards the painting. She was giving me her sweet smile, showing off her pearl white teeth, no fangs yet until I realised that the sky was turning redder as the sun was still going down. Uh...what the fuck?

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I asked Fern, turning my head to look at her but she was no longer beside me. Where the hell did she go?

"Fern?" I called her name, confused and concerned for her safety. Even though I wasn't...that anymore, I will still look after her. I took the painting with me, also finding out that her paints were gone too. When I was inside, I called her name again. "Fern!" 

I placed the painting down in the dining area, and went upstairs slowly. "Fern?" I tried again, but this time, I finally got a reply. "I'm at your favourite part of the house." 

Once I was at the second floor, I went to the hot tub room which was built into the house. "There you are. Don't scare me like that..." I began to tell her, then quickly trailed off my words as I noticed her eyes. A glowing crimson red, with a tint of purple in them. She was sitting in the hot tub, until she stood up and exposed her glory to me. "What did you do with your paints?" I asked her, "I put them away." she replied. She was really starting to creep me out with those eyes.

"Alright. Do you need anything?" I asked her, as a reply, she began to gesture her finger for me to come into the tub with her. "Come into the tub with me. You look very tense." she told me. I then walked towards the tub and began to undress myself, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I then got into the warm water and sat down on the seat. Fern decided to sit next to me, which made me begin to blush real hard. 

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on, Lila." she told me, before she started to play with my hair a little. This was leading to something...I could feel it. 

"No, you are." I replied. Then, I felt her kiss my red hot cheek. "I am in the mood for some love, Lila. I am feeling all sorts of amazing and wonderful things at the moment..."

"Are you trying to say 'lust'?" I asked her. "Yeah. That word. This is my first time feeling this way towards anyone." she told me. Oh shit...

Then, I watched her move to climb onto me. She then leaned her head down, so that we were face to face. I blinked a few times, looking into her eyes. "Now, I want you to close your eyes." she told me. I followed her instruction, closing my eyes until I felt her soft lips gently brush against mine, teasing me. 

"Tell me when to stop, okay? Because I might get a little bit crazy..." she said, before she finally planted her lips against mine. I kept my hands away, not wanting to ruin this moment by doing something wrong. We continued to kiss for a couple of long minutes, before I ran out of breath and had to pull away. 

When I got my breath back, we were back at it. The kiss was still soft and slow, until I felt her begin to grind against me, tearing a bit of my underwear. Once Fern had noticed, she stopped and stood me up so I could pull them down. "Looks like the fabric couldn't handle our love." she joked. I laughed a little at her, before she looked at my bra. 

I took it off in front of her once I could sense that she was staring at it. She watched in pure satisfaction, before she said this.

"I think we should be on the bed for this stage."  

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