Chapter 14 - Tried To Escape

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Lila's POV

I immediately pulled my hand away from Fern's area, scooting myself back until I fell onto the floor. "Are you hurt, babe? That was a bit of a fall." Fern asked me. "Get out of my fucking head, please!" I replied, before I got up and quickly grabbed my robe again, putting it on. I was going to do it. I was going to escape. I was myself again, thank god. 

At least she didn't bite me yet, so that was the main thing. But I knew it was LEADING to that. She was consuming me alive. I panted heavily, taking one last glance at Fern, and then chose to escape. I knew where I was going to go, I was going to the waterfall since the water helps me. I ran out of the bedroom and then downstairs to the front door. I quickly opened it and ran outside. I ran as fast as I possibly could until I lost track of her entirely, for now. 

A few minutes later, I slowed myself down so I was then walking. My feet were sore, but that didn't matter as I was almost to safety. I didn't want to look back, in-case she was behind me. I walked some more until I finally reached it. But, it was different in the dark red aura. 

I looked around, finding myself alone. Good. I took off my robe cautiously, dropping it on the big stone next to me. I then jumped into the water, immediately putting my head up to the surface, and swam over to the waterfall. I then started to calm down, feeling like I was going to succeed. I began to smile at myself, until I saw her getting into the water. 

It could be just my imagination, right? There was no way she could have followed me...

Oh, who am I fucking kidding. 

She gracefully swam over to me, and stood in front of me. Then, without a single word, she softly pressed her lips against mine again. This time, I was feeling...loved. She wasn't the person that I thought she was. I thought she was bad, but she really wasn't. She just wanted to love me and to take care of me. 

I kissed her back, and then felt her wrap her arms around me to embrace me during this moment. Then, we were suddenly in our bedroom again, causing me to pull away from the kiss again, confused to how we got here. Fern giggled, "Teleportation, babe." she said, "Now, let's dry ourselves off and start again, shall we?" she asked me. 

I then did what she asked, going over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I dried myself off and went back to Fern. "Lay down on your back for me." she told me in a soft tone, causing fluttery feelings again in my stomach. I climbed onto the bed and laid down on my back, then watched Fern lay down on top of me. 

"I love you so much. Don't ever run off like that again." she told me. "I love you the same amount." I told her back. 

I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck for her. She ran her hands down my sides, before she started to kiss my sweet spot again. And a few minutes later, she slid her fangs into me.

I arched my back, letting out a little moan. I wrapped my arms around her, listening to her little gulps in my ear. She then pulled her fangs out, lifting her head up to kiss me again. I happily kissed her back, before I watched her pull away. She then sat herself up on me, giggling a little. "What's so funny?" I asked her, letting my hands run over her chest lightly. "Oh, nothing. I am just having a load of fun." she told me. I nodded, "I need some food. Do you want to carry on with this later? You can wear a robe or wear nothing, I don't mind what you choose to do." I asked her.

"Sure. We still got a few hours left of the day. I need to do something as well." she replied. She then got off me, and went over to the wardrobe to pick out robe? Gold? What did gold mean? 

"Meet me in the bedroom at exactly 9pm." I heard her say to me, "Okay..." I said, and I then watched her leave the room. 

That was super weird...

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