Chapter 2 - Chosen

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Lila's POV

Calm down, Lila. Fern knew about it, so maybe she won't read it. I took a deep breath in then out, and continued with whatever I was doing before I found out that it was missing. Twenty minutes later, I came back into my room to see a nice red party dress just sitting on top of the bed. I closed the door to give myself some privacy as I dried myself off with the white towel and went to try on the dress until I discovered that something was wrong with it. It wasn't a dress at all. It was a robe...

Why was this here? 

I bit my lip, my stomach having butterflies as I put the robe on and tied it up, but instead of tying it at the front, I moved the knot to the back so I could pretend that it was a dress. I looked at the ticking clock, seeing that it was breakfast time. I picked up the damp, dirty towel and left the room once again to put in the laundry basket, until I saw Fern walking towards me. She was wearing the same robe as me which obviously meant something. She gave me one of her sweet smiles, then I watched her walk down the stairs. 

I dropped the towel into the laundry basket in the bathroom, and then followed her to only get some breakfast. A few hours later, everyone including me, was in the big ballroom for the party. I was having butterflies again, feeling nervous too as we all watched Fern enter and walked towards her red throne. 

The Queen shortly followed her, and sat next to her. Everyone was wearing dresses, apart from me and Fern. What was going on? Why the heavy silence? 

"My Fern has chosen someone to stay with her during the turning process." the Queen announced. Everyone turned their heads to stare at me. Wait a minute...

"Can she please stand up from her seat and join my lovely Fern?" she then asked out. I slowly stood up and went over to her. "Happy birthday." I whispered to her, "Thank you." she mouthed at me. I then sat down on the chair next to her and was given a slice of birthday cake since I had my dinner earlier than the others. 

During the meal, I felt Fern gently touching my hand and before I knew it, I was holding her warm hand for the last time. This was a weird party, but I was glad she chose me to stay with her. 

Later that night, we were in her large bedroom with her mother since she was going to turn her. I was looking around the room to see my diary on the large stack of presents. I then heard Fern gasp, making me turn to see what was going on. 

Oh no...

It was happening. 

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