Chapter 1

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1905 – Coleorton


"I do not want to go," Jade said.

"Where else are you going to go then? Coleorton School is the best place for you to go to fix this attitude problem of yours," Mother said.

Her Father walked into the hallway, his anger clear on his face.

"I have had enough of this behaviour, Jade Hunter, you are to go to school there is no negotiating. I have told the nuns about your behaviour so do not expect that you can continue with such acts."

"But Father-"

"No buts Jade, you are to go to school, and you are to behave and if you do not you know what will happen," Father said.

"I will join a convent to fix me of this terrible attitude of mine," she said in monotone.

It had been the same practically every day this week, she asked, no begged, her parents to let her do anything but go to that school. And as always, they never listened, instead citing her so called 'behavioural problem' as the reason they were sending her.

"This is exactly what we mean Jade. Your Father and I love you very much. But you are not a little girl anymore, you are a young woman and if you want any prospects, you must fix your tone."

"I am sorry Mother."

"Now get your suitcase, school begins in an hour," Father said.

She ran upstairs to her bedroom, not caring if she would get scolded for her stomping.

"They are the reason I have an attitude problem. Prospects, nuns, schools. All I ever wanted was to live my life in peace and yet all they ever want is for me to become their perfect daughter," she muttered.

It was not as if she could ever say that to their faces. That would surely result in her being carted off to a convent, condemned to live her life in solitude.

She folded the last of her shirts, hiding them under the unnecessarily lacy and flouncy dresses her Mother forced her into wearing. Her eyes strayed to her drawers, and the secret she kept hidden within them.

To take her lip rouge and other cosmetics would surely result in her being punished were she ever caught. But to leave them risked her parents finding them during their intrusive searches.

Glancing around, she turned to the drawer, hastily opening it and stowing the contents in the corner of her suitcase. She wrapped them securely with the most garish of the dresses, a frilly frock in bright orange that was sure to clash with her hair.

She locked the trunk and carried it downstairs, ready to face her fate, for better or for worse.

"I am glad you have fixed your view. I am sure you will enjoy it at Coleorton School and will make many friends," Mother said.

"Thank you, I will miss you," she said.

"I will miss you too Jade."

Her Mother pulled her into an embrace, and she stiffened. She could not remember the last time Mother had ever showed affection to her like this.

"I love you Jade, please be a good girl. For all of our sakes."

She tried to say it back, but the words stuck in her throat. Even if Mother was over controlling and critical of everything she did, she did, deep down within her heart still love her. But somehow, she was unable to articulate this and instead held onto her tighter, relishing the rare moment of affection.

"I promise I shall try," she said.

As with most happy moments, Father stormed in to end it.

"We are running late, come along now Jade," he said.

"Goodbye Mother."

Mother's eyes glistened strangely. "Goodbye Jade."

It was only when she was in the hansom cab that she realised her Mother was holding back tears.

The ride was spent in silence, the tension lacing the air like poison. They soon arrived at the school.

As she stood in front of the building, she realised the gravity of what was to come and felt frozen to the spot. To leave her family for the first time in her entire life, that too for a whole year with only short breaks, it was unfathomable.

"Jade, we shall be late, come on," he said.

She snapped out of her daze and followed Father to the gates.

"Please, just behave for us. We may be harsh on you, but it is for your own good. As long as you behave and keep your focus on your studies, you shall prosper and soon find yourself with exceptional prospects," he said.

"Yes Father."

If only he understood that those prospects were not what she wanted. She did not want to live her life only to be caged yet again, this time not by her family, but by a man.

"Goodbye Jade, try to write to your Mother at least once a week. You know how she worries," he said.

At least she cares, she thought.

"I will, goodbye Father," she said.

Father patted her awkwardly on her back and handed over the suitcase. She watched him walk back to the hansom cab.

He never turned back once.

"Just six weeks then it shall be the next holiday," she whispered holding her luggage and walking up to the doors.

Gathered outside the doors were a group of other girls, all in the same situation as her, waiting to be let in to start the year at Coleorton School.

She breathed in deeply, readying herself to try to at least make some conversation with someone. It would be good to have a friend in a place like this.

Immediately, a girl in pink caught her eye, but she was crowded by various other girls, all a similar simpering type. She could never fit in with them, it would be better to look for someone similar to her instead. Before she could turn away, she caught the glance of the girl.

She was walking towards her now; Jade grasped her luggage tighter, hoping she had not noticed her staring.

"Good morning, I am Bella Parker." 

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