Chapter 4

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"Ruby! Are you ready yet?"

"Almost done Mother!"

Ruby rushed around her room, stuffing shirts, skirts and trousers into her suitcase. She glanced at her reflection; her hair was mess. Dragging a brush through it, she used the other hand to lock the suitcase. She looked back in the mirror; it was still messy, but it would have to do. As Mother said, no hat could contain her hair

"Ruby, we are going to be late!"

She grabbed her suitcase. "Coming!"

Jumping downstairs, she landed sprawled at the foot of the stairs her suitcase open.

Richard looked down at her. "Really Ruby? Jumping downstairs again."

She got up, brushing herself off. "It is an effective mode of transport."

Mother came into the hallway. "Finally, Ruby. We shall be late!"

"Mother, there is an hour until school starts."

"Yes, but knowing traffic, it could take an hour and a half to get there."

Ruby smiled. "Do not worry yourself so much Mother. A late entrance will only serve to make me more intriguing."

Mother finally smiled. "It is just like you to make good out of a bad situation. I shall miss you dearly."

"As I shall you. And you Richard."

Richard ruffled her hair. "It will be quiet around her without you."

"You will have to find another sister to annoy you."

Father entered the hallway. "It seems as if your suitcase does not want to go."

Ruby turned around to see her suitcase open, the clothes on the floor. Perhaps jumping down the stairs was not the best idea.

"Ruby! I thought you said you had packed," Mother said.

She stuffed her clothes back in, firmly shutting the clasps. "I had. It just unpacked."

"Should we leave now?" Father said.

"Yes, we shall be late," Mother said.

Ruby hugged Richard. "Goodbye. Remember to write to me."

"Every week."

They left the house, going into the hansom cab waiting outside. Ruby sat between her parents realising this would be the last time she would see them for six weeks.

"You will write to us will you not?"

"Of course, I shall Mother. I expect you to write back."

Mother held her hand. "Please try your best not to get into trouble. I know it is hard to follow some of the rules and they may seem pointless, but Coleorton is a lovely opportunity."

Ruby nodded. "I will."

"But if you find that Coleorton is not where you want to stay write to us and we shall arrange for you to go elsewhere," Father said.

"I will. I do not think it shall be too bad, only a new adventure."

Father ruffled her hair. "Good girl."

She spent the rest of the ride sandwiched between them talking over anything and everything to mask the nervousness she felt within her.

Father opened the door. "We are here."

Ruby grabbed on tight to Mother's hand, as they climbed out of the carriage.

She looked around there were not many people there only a group of girls crowded in the corner. As she moved closer, she realised it was Miss Parker, the mayor's daughter. She did not particularly want to join in with their little group, it seemed she would have to wait to make friends.

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