Chapter 5

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"Miss Violet, your father asked to see you in his study," a maid said.

"Thank you. Can you make sure my luggage is ready?"

"Of course, Miss."

Violet gathered herself, checking she looked perfect before going to Father's study.

She knocked on the door.


"You asked to see me Father?"

"Yes, sit down."

She sat down opposite his desk. "Did you consider my request?"

"Yes, and I have told you many times. You are not going to work for the company, you brother Cecil shall take it over when I retire. You have another future to look forward to."

"But Father, Cecil does not even like the company. Could I at least have a small column, I shall write under a pseudonym."

"Violet, I have had this conversation numerous times with you and the answer has always been the same. You are to get married and raise your family, not chase after this silly writing hobby."

Violet bit back her frustration. One would think the owner of a newspaper would allow his daughter who has a passion for said newspaper to write. But no, instead she was to look forward to getting married and having children.

"Yes Father."

"Aside from that, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about. Do you remember Miss Parker, the mayor's daughter?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Well, she is to attend Coleorton, and I would like you to form and acquaintance and eventually a friendship with her."

"I shall try. Is that all?"

She did not want to stay here long; the atmosphere was far too formal and laced with awkwardness.

"No, your little friend, Sunny. Your Mother convinced me to pay for her schooling alongside you and her mother has always been good to you, so I saw no qualms in that."

She waited for the inevitable but.

"But I feel as if you should try and move away from your friendship with her. You are getting older now and will soon enter society. It would not do you much good to be seen as the friend of the maid's daughter."

"Sunny is my best friend though."

"I am not asking you to severe all relations with her. Merely telling you to take into consideration the effects of this friendship."

She bit her lip, to lose Sunny was to lose half herself. But to disappoint Father would also have consequences. It would not do good to start an argument, especially since she was to leave within hours. The best option was to lie.

"I shall try Father."

"Thank you. That is all."

He did not even say goodbye. Holding back tears, she left the room going upstairs to her room.

A maid was waiting there. "Miss Violet, your luggage is ready."

"Thank you. I would like to be left alone please."

"Yes Miss."

Once the maid exited, Violet rummaged through her drawers searching at the bottom for her most prized possession.

Her diary.

She found it and clasped it to her chest. She could not share what Father said with Sunny and instead poured it into her pages, locking the diary and then stashing it inside her purse.

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