Chapter 15

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Skyler awoke, feeling the immense urge to stay in bed. The fear of detention though caused her to get up and ready. Last night still caused her heart to beat fast, they were so close to getting caught and now they owed the prefects a favour.

"Skyler are you ready, first lesson starts in five minutes," Sunny said.

"Yes, I am."

She walked with Sunny to their first lesson, Violet with them. Her and Violet had formed a tentative friendship over the last two days, mainly because of Sunny's bright energy between them.

Sitting down in her seat, she opened her English book, as Sister Morten began writing on the board.

Sister Morten turned around. "Good morning girls, read the next chapter and complete the questions I have written on the board."

Skyler began reading the chapter but then paused as Sister Morten's eyes narrowed looking at her. Did she know what they were doing last night? Was she about to be excluded?

"Miss Anderson, I was not aware red pinafores were part of the uniform, washing duties again tonight."

"Yes, Sister Morten."

Skyler sunk into her seat in relief, she was only looking at Ruby in front of her. She turned to the chapter and resumed reading.

"That is it for today's lesson girls, you are free to leave. Miss Bradshaw if you could stay behind for a moment."

Skyler nodded, going to Sister Morten's desk.

"Do not be so afraid Miss Bradshaw, I was merely asking your decision on becoming a Mathematics tutor."

"I think I shall accept the position, thank you for the opportunity."

"Good, it shall be in this classroom tomorrow after the service."

"Yes ma'am."

Skyler offered a slight curtsey before hurrying out of the classroom.

Ruby was leaning against the wall beside the door. "I hope you are not in any trouble."

"No, I have been offered a position as tutor and Sister Morten was asking if I wanted to accept."

"You did, did you not?"


They reached the door of the History classroom, Ruby opening it.

The teacher frowned at them. "Why are you two late?"

Ruby curtseyed. "I am very sorry, ma'am, we got held up by Sister Morten."

"Very well then, take your seats and turn to Chapter 21."

Skyler nodded and sat down next to Poppy, getting out her book.

"Skyler would you like to do your work outside with me and Violet?"

"Of course."

She picked up her books, following Sunny and Violet outside. As she walked, she remembered Mr Colin's parting words to her. If he had the job, he would be there now.

Once they got outside, Skyler scanned the grounds for a sign of Mr Colin, there were a few boys near the fence, but she was too far away to see if he was one of them.

Taking their usual place by the tree, Skyler got out her work, going through it. Every so often, she glanced at the fence as the boys began dispersing through the grounds.

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