Chapter 3

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Mother burst into her room. "Bella Parker! Do you know what day it is?"

She sighed, readying herself for the inevitable lecture about the importance of keeping up with her planned events. "Thursday?"

"None of that cheek. You know very well that it is Monday."

But she had no prior engagements on Monday. "I am unsure how this is affecting me."

Mother looked furious. "You mean to tell me that you have forgotten this is your first day at Coleorton School?"

Bella smoothed down her dress, faking a smile. "Of course not, I had Mary prepare my luggage last night. I merely forgot this morning. I am sorry Mother; I shall be ready in an hour."

Mother's frown did not lessen, but she seemed convinced by her lie. "You have half an hour, and do something to fix your hair, it looks a mess."

As soon as Mother left the room, Bella devolved into panic. Frantically ringing the bell for Mary, she looked in the mirror. Mother was right, her hair did look a mess. She quickly brushed it as Mary entered the room.

"Is there anything I can do for you Miss Bella?"

"I forgot it was my first day at school. Please could you prepare my luggage?"

"Of course, Miss."

Bella opened the numerous boxes on her dressing table, adding pins and ribbons to her hair until it was suitable for what Mother called 'Public Viewing.'

"Your luggage is ready Miss."

"Thank you ever so much Mary, I shall miss your company whilst I am at school."

Mary blushed, fixing the pins properly in her hair. "I am sure you shall make friends."

"I hope they are not just becoming friends with me because of Father though."

"Any person willing to look will see your wonderful personality, Miss Bella."

Bella wrapped her in an embrace. "Thank you."

She caught eye of the clock; she was five minutes late. Mother would be furious.

"I must go, goodbye Mary."

"Goodbye Miss."

She grabbed her suitcase, hurrying downstairs.

Father was at the foot of the stairs smiling. "Are you excited Bella?"

She had been so caught up in rushing to get ready she had never thought about her feelings. "I suppose I am."

"Good, I want you to focus on your education Bella. No more of this silly behaviour. Coleorton will teach you how to become a respectable young woman."

"Yes Father."

It was the same thing at least once a week. If it were a lecture from Mother, it would be interspersed with her own anecdotes of how well behaved she had been as a child and how much of a failure Bella was. At least with Father it was not as condescending.

"You do realise I am close with the Board of Governors at Coleorton and any misdeeds on your part will reflect badly on our family. You would not want that, would you?"

She shook her head. "No Father."

"Good girl. Now say goodbye to your Mother and I shall have the carriage take us there."

"Of course, Father."

She left her luggage going back upstairs to Mother's room. Hesitantly, she knocked on the door.

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