Chapter 20

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Bella closed her English book; glad the last lesson of the week was finally over. Sister Morten clapped twice and held up a box.

"Your letters have arrived from home; can I have two volunteers to hand them out?"

Sunny and Poppy put up their hands and took half the pile each. Bella awaited her letter, it would probably read the same as the last, bland reminders of how to behave and who to talk to.

Poppy handed her the letter and Bella took it, immediately smelling Mother's heavy perfume. She opened the wax seal, taking out the paper inside.

Dear Bella,

I have received a letter from your school telling us of your misdemeanours.

Bella froze, she had not thought of the teachers sending a letter home in regard to them not wearing their uniform. Ruby had not mentioned it after receiving her letters from home.

I am incredibly disappointed, you promised you would behave well and seek to further your education, but this behaviour is proving otherwise.

I must say I am not entirely surprised; I should have known allowing you to be placed with just anyone would influence you to behave badly. This is a warning, if you continue attracting negative attention towards yourself, I shall have no choice but to bring you back home.

She put down her letter, anger flaring within her. This was the first time she had friends who did not care if she was wearing the seasons latest trend or following rules of etiquette. But it seemed Mother would never care about that.

Her threat was empty though, the scandal that would follow from her being brought home would be much larger than her misbehaving in school.

I have had to write a letter of sincerest apologies due to you acting out and do not wish to ever do that again. You must understand you are the daughter of the Mayor, and everything you do reflects upon us as a family.

The nuns at Coleorton will now be keeping a closer eye on you, any further misbehaviour shall be reported directly to me.

You will be glad to hear I have not told your Father of this, if he ever heard he would be terribly disappointed in you, as am I.

It was typical Mother behaviour, claiming her Father had any interest in her beyond the base level. If he was disappointed it would only be for a moment before he found something more pressing to think of.

On a brighter note, I am glad to hear of your academic progress and hope you can continue as such. All of us at home are well and I hope you are to.

With love,


Bella set down the paper, the scent of perfume causing her stomach to turn. Her good mood at the end of the lesson had faded and was replaced with the cloying sweetness of vanilla and jasmine.

A sharp rip sounded beside her, and she turned to see Jade tearing up her letter, a frown on her face. Each torn piece of paper seemed to cause her expression to soften to her usual demeanour.

Bella looked at her letter, the swirling writing stared back at her. Ripping paper, especially a dear letter from home would not be considered ladylike.

"Miss Bella, you do realise staring at your letter is not going to cause the words to change," Ruby said.

Bella snapped out of her reverie. "Oh, I was just thinking."

"Were your parents also sent a letter home about our uniform escapades?"

"Yes, Mother did not take it well."

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