Chapter 9

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Miss Bella grabbed her arm. "Lesson starts in five minutes come on!"

She ran to catch up with her long strides, the others following behind them.

"What room is the lesson in?" Ruby said.

"Room 3, floor 2. English," Miss Bradshaw said.

"That is not too far away," Ruby said.

Jade blushed as Miss Bella grabbed her hand, leading the way to the room. Once they got to the door, she pulled her hand out of hers.

"I can walk you know."

"Oh, I am awfully sorry. I must have panicked and grabbed the nearest person to drag them along with me. I really did not want to be late."

"It is all right."

They filed into the classroom joining the others at the front.

"Where are the teachers?" Ruby whispered.

Sister Morten walked in. "Sorry for the delay girls. If you do not know already, I am Sister Morten and I shall be your English and Maths teacher. As I call your names out sit at your seat, starting from the front left. Jade Hunter."

Jade started and walked over to her seat, everyone looking at her. She sat down and stared out of the window.

"Ruby Anderson, Bella Parker, Violet Willow, Stella Monroe."

At that she smiled, at least she was not sat with someone random, her and Ruby had grown to be almost friends. Ruby winked at her as they sat together, and Miss Bella smiled.

"And now for the second row. Poppy Rowan, Skyler Bradshaw, Sunny Madison, Daria Roselyn, Sheryl Meyer."

Sunny waved at her as she sat down, even Jade's icy demeanour broke from the bright-eyed girl. Sister Morten read out the rest of the names, the rows of desks filling. 

"Right girls. I am sure you have heard of the expectations in Coleorton, and I hope you do follow them. However, I do encourage creative thinking in my classes as well. On your desk you shall find your books. Open them and read the first chapter then we shall begin our analysis."

Jade flicked through the book reading the chapter quickly.

"Have you finished reading?" Ruby whispered, not so quietly.


"I have too," Miss Bella said.

"Girls, quiet, others are still reading."

"What lesson do we have next?" Ruby said.

Jade checked her timetable. "History."

Ruby sighed, leaning back in her chair. Jade looked at Sister Morten who was glaring at them all. She opened her book back up, reading the chapter again. She was not to get into trouble. Ruby and Miss Bella were whispering beside her, but she brought her book closer, trying to block it out. Getting into trouble would only make her situation worse.

"What do you think Jade?" Ruby said.

"About what."

"The book of course," Miss Bella said.

"Girls! I have already told you to be quiet. Miss Hunter bring your desk beside mine, Miss Anderson you go to the other corner."

Jade picked up her desk, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Everyone's eyes bored into her as she placed her desk beside Sister Morten and sat back down, facing the rest of the class.

Miss Bella looked at her forlorn and Jade could not help the small part of her that was angry she did not get into trouble too. It was just how it worked, her getting punished because her parents wanted her to behave and Miss Bella not getting punished because her father was the mayor.

She opened her book again, re-reading the chapter, avoiding everyone looking at her.

The lesson passed slowly, Jade keeping to herself and doing her work as best as she could.

The bell rung. "Go to your next lessons. Miss Hunter, could you stay behind a moment."

She nodded, packing up her things looking at the floor. A note dropped on her desk and Miss Bella looked at her forlorn. She picked it up and unfolded it. 'I am sorry.'

She felt a little less desolate and folded it up putting it into her pinafore pocket.

Once the last person went out of the classroom, Sister Morten came beside her.

"Miss Hunter, I know you do not mean to behave badly but your parents have expressed concern about your conduct. It is therefore my duty to attend to their wishes and punish you as such. I would like you to take this in mind throughout the rest of your lessons because not all the teachers are as lenient."

"Yes, Sister Morten."

"I saw your analysis; it was quite good. Please try to avoid distractions and put more effort into your work instead."

"Thank you, Sister Morten."

"You should hurry to your next lesson. Take this to the teacher and you shall not get into trouble for being late."

She left the classroom conflicted holding the note from Sister Morten. Even though she knew her parents had told the nuns to treat her harsher, she did not expect it to be this harsh. The memory of her classmates staring at her played over and over again as she walked to History.

Head held high, she walked in, handing the note to the teacher. "I am sorry I am late."

"It is fine, go take your seat beside Miss Anderson."

The seats were the same as English and she sat down, this time though, there was no window to look out of.

Ruby tapped her shoulder. "Jade, I am sorry."

"It is all right."

"I hope Sister Morten did not tell you off too much."

"She did not. Have I missed any work?"

"No, she was just handing out the books."

"Girls, quiet. Now can anyone tell me about the Battle of Hastings?"

Jade turned to the front, she could not afford to get into trouble a second time today, even if it meant risking the budding friendship she had with Ruby. She listened as the teacher droned on about William the Conqueror and succession crises. Her first day at Coleorton was not turning out good at all. 

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