Chapter 21

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"Goodbye Sunny, Violet. I should get going to Sister Morten's classroom," Skyler said.

Sunny waved at her. "Goodbye Skyler. Good luck with your tutoring."

"Goodbye Skyler, I am sorry we cannot come but I do not think Sister Morten will appreciate us taking places we do not strictly require."

As Skyler walked to Sister Morten's classroom, Sunny and Violet headed back to the room.

Sunny quickly changed out of her uncomfortable uniform, wearing her yellow sundress instead. Just as she had finished changing, the others had come into the room.

"The weather is quite wonderful today, should we sit outside?" Miss Bella said.

"Yes, I wanted to do some more birdwatching. I think I saw a robin yesterday in class," Poppy said.

Sunny gathered her sketchbook and watercolours. "I will too."

Once everyone had changed, they went back downstairs and outside to their usual spot by the tree closest to the forest. Whenever Sunny looked at the forest, she was reminded of their little excursion. The forest had looked awfully scary at night, and she was glad Violet was holding her hand.

Violet slid a tin to her. "I brought my coloured pencils if you would like to use them."

"Thank you, are you making daisy chains?"

"Yes, although I am not half as good as you."

Sunny plucked a few daisies and began joining them together. "Remember when Mama used to make us daisy friendship bracelets?"

"Of course, I do, I think I still have one pressed in a frame somewhere."

Poppy suddenly leaned across. "Is that a daisy bracelet?"

Sunny nodded.

"I used to make those all the time for my siblings. Ruby, would you like a daisy bracelet?"

"I would love one. I shall make one for you too."

Sunny noticed Miss Bella looking at the daisies with a hint of longing and was about to offer to make her one.

"Miss Bella, I don't suppose you would like a daisy bracelet too?" Jade said.

Sunny noticed the slight flush that emerged on Miss Bella's cheeks, and it all made sense. She had no right to assume, of course, but there did seem to be some feelings between her and Jade.

"Thank you, Jade, I would like that a lot."

"Jade, I would make one for you too, but I am making one for Poppy and Skyler."

"I would like to make one for you, if you would teach me," Miss Bella said.

Jade nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.

Sunny threaded daisy after daisy into each other and soon had a bracelet that would fit Violet's slender wrist. It seemed Violet too had finished.

She held out her wrist as Violet slipped it on and did the same to her.

"Do you promise we shall be friends forever?" Violet whispered.

"Forever and a day Violet."

She looked into Violet's eyes which were full of trust, her fingers still lingering on her wrist.

"Ruby, I have finished your bracelet, hold out your wrist," Poppy said.

Soon enough everyone was wearing a daisy bracelet.

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