Chapter 12

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Violet wrote in her book listlessly, trying to ignore the conversations around her. She turned slightly looking at Sunny who was smiling, gesturing as she talked to Skyler. Sighing she went back to her book, working through the questions on the board.

Science was boring, but Science where they'd been given permission to talk, and nobody was talking to her was worse. It was her own fault in a way, she'd left Sunny to chase after Miss Bella and now she had no friends.

Sunny's expression when she'd ignored her clear suggestion to take the bed next to her was branded in her mind. She regretted the decision bitterly, although she'd managed to talk a little with Miss Bella, it was nothing compared to the fun her and Sunny could've had.

To make it worse, her and Sunny hadn't even acknowledged it and Sunny was now treating her with all the usual kindness but without the heart that was normally there.

"The bell will ring in around a minute, please leave your books on my desk as you leave."

Violet got up and left, leaving her book before heading towards their dormitory. They may not have got Science homework, but she still had English and History to do.

They all went into the room, the others leaving their bags behind and taking their homework outside to sit in their respective groups. Violet held her books to her chest, wondering if she'd be welcome with either of them.

She walked towards Sunny, sitting beside her and Skyler but not joining in the conversation. Still, it was better than nothing. She deserved it for her meanness.

Sunny had done nothing but be loving and still she had to betray her like that. Violet wanted to scream, loudly, but that wasn't what proper girls do.

Instead, she focused on her books, trying not to stare too long at Sunny's smile or the way her eyes lit up when she talked.

She missed her, even if it had only been a few days. And she desperately wanted to be friends again but couldn't think of how. All her life she'd been used to Sunny's constancy and now it was gone she didn't know what to do.

Before she could even attempt to join in their conversation, she'd finished her homework.

"Miss Violet, have you finished already?" Skyler said.

"Yes, I think I shall go inside now."

She caught Sunny's eye who looked away quickly. There was no way Violet could continue with this tension anymore.

"Sunny, could you come with me? I had something I wanted to show you."

"If you wish."

She gave Skyler a half-hearted wave and walked in silence to their dorm with Sunny.

"So, you had something you wanted to show me?"

Violet placed her books on the dresser. "Not exactly, I wanted to talk to you."

Sunny nodded and sat beside her. "What is it you wanted to say?"

"I wanted to apologise."

"You have nothing to apologise for."

"No, I do. I have not treated you kindly these past few days. I do not want to make excuses for myself, but I think you deserve the reasons behind my behaviour."

She paused, collecting herself, encouraged by Sunny's slight smile.

"I, well, you do know how Father thinks of our friendship?"

Sunny's smile fell. "Yes, and I suppose that is why you were so distant?"

She nodded. "Yes. And I hate myself for even letting his words affect me. No one can replace you. Sunny I am so sorry, and I hope I have not ruined our friendship because of this."

"You have not Violet, I am sorry I never tried to talk to you, I do like to think I am a better friend than that."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." You are perfect. "You are the best friend I could ever have."

"Thank you, as are you."

She leaned in and embraced Sunny, letting it soothe away her worries from the last few days. With her arms wrapped around her she remembered what happened the day they left.

She loved Sunny, something she had known since she was a child. But what she had not known was how deep that love ran and how not strictly platonic it was.

The revelation scared her, enough that she pulled away from Sunny.

"I take it I am forgiven?"

Sunny took her hand in hers. "Always."

Violet looked into Sunny's eyes and was hit with a wave of feelings, all too complicated for her to work out.

"Sunny, I love you."

"And I love you too Violet."

Violet attempted a weak smile and let Sunny lead her back outside. Telling her had taken a great weight off her shoulders but then added another one.

These feelings were wrong, she knew that, but she could not find it in herself to believe it. Loving Sunny could not be wrong, and she would not allow herself to think that.

Acting on these feelings would be wrong; she had no reason to put Sunny in such a position. It was not normal so of course Sunny would not feel the same.

It would just ruin their friendship, something she would never do. Not after she had just mended it.

"Violet, are you all right? You seem a little pale."

I was thinking about you. "I was just thinking about the homework we have due tomorrow. I think I finished it all."

"Of course, you did, you are always doing your homework."

Violet laughed, sitting by the tree with Sunny, Skyler gone with Ruby to do washing duty.

"Have you been enjoying Coleorton?"

"Yes, it is a lot harder than I thought though."

Sunny nodded. "It is, I never quite finished my homework. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to help with my English work?"

"Of course not, what do you need help with?"

Sunny opened her book and Violet read through it with her. Not they were alone, it felt like before all these new feelings happened and created complications.

She wanted to go back to then and not have to deal with the repercussions of her feelings. Of all people, why Sunny? Why the person who would never look at her the same way?

She looked at Sunny's smile after she hadunderstood the work. No matter what she felt, she could not hurt her by makingher bear the burden of them.

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