Chapter 7

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"Sunny! Could you help me with the luggage?"

"Yes Miss Louisa."

She ran over and grabbed the other end of the large suitcases.

"Did you pack your suitcase?"

Sunny picked her tattered brown suitcase up. "Yes, should I put it in the carriage?"

Louisa frowned. "I suppose so, put it at the back though."

Sunny's smile faded slightly, she knew she was not as well off as Violet, but it hurt her every time she was reminded.

She helped Louisa load up the rest of the luggage, piling up suitcase after suitcase filled with Violet's numerous dresses.

Louisa hugged her fiercely. "Thank you ever so much Sunny. The household shall be awfully dull without you."

"I will miss you too. Is there anything else you need help with?"

"No, you go enjoy yourself before you have to go to school."

"Thank you, goodbye!"

Sunny skipped around the halls going into the garden and saying goodbye to all the rest of the staff. She eventually reached Violet's door and knocked.

"Come in."

Violet looked almost sad, and Sunny sat down next to her, thinking of how to cheer her up.

"Are you excited for school Violet?"

She smiled palely at that. "Of course, it is going to be an exciting opportunity."

She did not know what it was, but something was troubling her friend. She considered asking her but was unsure if that would be welcome. Instead, she sought to raise her spirits in the only way she knew how. Bright smiles and good conversation.

Within minutes Violet was smiling again and Sunny's heart warmed. Whatever strange tension had been in the air before had dissipated, leaving both girls carefree.

Suddenly, Violet started as if she had seen a ghost.

Worried, Sunny put her hand on her arm. "Are you alright Violet."

Violet smiled. "Oh yes, I am quite fine. I just realised we were to be leaving home with no return for six whole weeks."

That was the one part of school she was trying not to think about. "I will miss Mother."

"I will too."

The door opened and Mrs Willow entered, almost as if she had heard their conversation.

Her customary smile light up her face. "Are you excited girls?"

"Yes, I shall miss you though," Violet said.

"Me too!"

"And I shall miss you both. But that is what letters are for. You two shall write to me will you not?"

Letters. Sunny had always had troubles conveying her feelings with words. Perhaps they would accept pictures. "Of course, we shall."

"Good girls."

Mrs Willow held her arms open, and Sunny ran into them, hugging her with Violet.

"Sunny, could you call your mother upstairs, I am sure she would like to say goodbye to you two in private."

Sunny nodded and walked to the kitchen, trying to find Mama. Although she was Mrs Willow's lady's maid, Mama was most likely to be found in the kitchen helping Cook. As suspected, she was washing the dishes, her face scrunched up in concentration.

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