Chapter 13

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Sunny finished her letter signing her name at the end then grabbed another sheet of paper.

"A second sheet of paper? You must have a lot to say," Violet said.

"Oh no, I am going to draw a picture for Mama."

Violet smiled at her. "Do you want me to get the watercolours?"

"Thank you."

Sunny started sketching her new friends all sat outside sitting underneath the large tree talking together. Violet sat beside her, slowly painting in her sketch just like they used to do before.

A smile came to Sunny's face, she was so glad they were friends again. If she was honest with herself, Violet deliberately ignoring her on the first day had hurt. She had not been able to talk to her properly after that, continuously thinking she no longer liked her.

Violet telling her the truth yesterday had removed a weight from her shoulders. She did not know if she could stand the idea of their friendship being lost.

She knew deep down they would not always be able to be as close as they were. It was not right, with her being the daughter of a lady's maid and Violet being so affluent.

But for now, while they still could, she wanted to be the best of friends.

She finished the sketch, Violet pulling it closer to herself to finish painting.

"Thank you for your help."

"There is no need to thank me, you know I love colouring in your drawings."

She folded her letter and put it into the envelope just as a nun came back in.

"Your letter writing time is over girls, please hand in your envelopes as you leave."

She handed her envelope over, alongside the still wet drawing. "Could you put this in the envelope too?"

"Unfortunately, not, the letters are all going straight to post, and we will not have enough time. You are welcome to save it to send next week."

"Oh, thank you."

She took her drawing back, leaving the room to go back to the dormitory. Luckily, she had not written that there was a picture in the envelope too. That would have confused Mama.

"Do you have duties today?" Skyler said.

"No, I am so glad, I hated ironing duty yesterday," Violet said.

"At least that was just once, I have had washing duty three times already, due to be my fourth today!" Ruby said.

Poppy nudged her. "That is because you refuse to wear the uniform Ruby."

Ruby raised her fist in the air. "They shall never break my spirit!"

"Then you will never stop doing washing duty."

"Miss Rowan, you wound me."

"I try my best."

Sunny smiled at their antics, Poppy and Ruby were really the entertainers of the group with their constant friendly bickering.

"Sunny, you have cooking duty do you not?" Jade said.

"Yes, I do not mind though."

She was almost looking forward to it, being in the kitchen would remind her of home.

"I am lucky Sister Morten has not thought to give me other duties, if I had cooking duty there would probably be havoc," Ruby said.

"I can imagine," Poppy said.

Ruby waved at her as she entered the room. "Goodbye and good luck with your duties."

She waved back. "Goodbye!"

She walked down the hallway, going towards the kitchens, the faint smell of soup emanating from them.

Opening the door, she walked in, going down the stairs and into the large room.

"Miss Madison? Unfortunately, the other girl who was going to do cooking duty has fallen ill so we shall have to muddle through together."

She nodded, curtseying slightly. "Yes ma'am."

"There is no need for such formalities here, just call me Cook."

"Yes Cook."

"Good, now chop up those vegetables."

Sunny stirred pots, added all the ingredients Cook told her to, feeling closer to home than she had all week. It helped that Cook was nicer than the nuns, not shouting as they did when she made a mistake.

Before she knew it, the soup was made and ready to be served for supper. She sat down on the bench, tired.

Cook sat next to her, passing her a bowl. "Miss Madison, you can eat with us downstairs."

"Yes Cook."

She ate slowly, the soup blander than what she usually ate but still tasty.

"Miss Madison, you did really well today. If I did not know any better, I would have thought you raised in a kitchen."

Sunny frowned. "But I was."

Cook raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I was not raised in a kitchen, but I was raised downstairs."

"Really, and now you go to such a prestigious school?"

"My Mama is a lady's maid to the Willow family, and they so graciously offered to pay for my education."

"Interesting. If you do ever find yourself in need of some help, the kitchens are open for you. You are one of the first students I have met that can adequately prepare a meal."

Sunny's heart warmed at her praise. "Thank you."

"I shall request Sister Wright to switch all your duties to cooking if you do not mind?"

"Please do, I really enjoyed today."

Cook smiled at her. "I am glad. Now hurry upstairs, your friends will be wondering where you are."

"Yes Cook. Thank you, goodbye!"

She waved as she went back upstairs, going to the laundry room. Ruby was still in the corner washing uniforms. Checking to see if any nuns were there, she walked inside going over to her.

"Ruby, have you had any supper?"

"Yes, but I had not finished my duty, so I had to come back."

"You must be so tired, here let me help."

She kneeled down next to Ruby, taking on of the uniforms.

"You do not have to, you also had duties today."

"I am used to hard work. Now, there is this trick I learnt which removes stains from white clothes."

"Really? I would really appreciate that. Thank you, Sunny."

She smiled. "You are welcome, Ruby." 

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