Chapter 16

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Ruby yawned as they exited the chapel, eager to return outside where the atmosphere was less stifling.

They walked back to school; Ruby arms linked with Poppy who was telling her about choir.

"The first meeting is tomorrow after lessons. Hopefully I can make a good impression, I did get this scholarship because of my music."

"You must play me something soon Poppy, I would love to hear your music."

"Maybe you can come to the choir meeting to view it, although you would have to make sure you do not get into trouble and have to do duties."

"Alas dear Poppy, I find I shall never escape washing duties. You see, I am making a stand against these atrocities they call uniforms."

"I do feel like you are only benefitting them with your stand, now there is no need to arrange the rota for washing duty."

Ruby thought over what Poppy said, she had not really gotten anywhere with her constant rule breaking. However, she hoped her example led to at least one other person being inspired to express themselves.

They had reached their room by now, Ruby immediately changing out of her uniform into a more comfortable skirt and shirt.

As she changed, she remembered her promise to Skyler yesterday. She turned around to ask her if she wanted to go to Sister Morten's classroom together, but she had already left.

She clapped, gathering the attention of everyone left in the room. "Skyler has been offered a position as a Mathematics tutor and it is in Sister Morten's room, I was wondering if any of you would like to come to support her?"

"I shall come, we all know my Mathematics skills are in need of some improvement," Poppy said.

"And I," Sunny said.

"I cannot go, sorry, I have a detention with the Latin teacher," Jade said.

Ruby felt pity for Jade who looked so sad at the prospect of her detention, one unfairly given at that. An idea formed at the back of her mind, but she pushed it aside in favour of asking the rest.

"Miss Violet, Miss Bella?"

Miss Violet nodded as did Miss Bella.

"Wonderful, it is awfully sad that you cannot join us, Jade."

Jade nodded, looking even sadder than before.

"Now, we should go to Sister Morten's classroom before the room fills," Ruby said.

"Welcome to English and Mathematics tutoring, I have written some questions on the board for you to work through, do not hesitate to ask me or any of the tutors for help. Those here for Mathematics sit on the left side and English the right," Sister Morten said.

Ruby took a seat near the window, Poppy sitting beside her. She caught Skyler's eye and smiled widely at her, receiving a small smile in return.

Strictly speaking, she was not in need of any Mathematics help at the moment, but she did want to support Skyler as well as she could. She completed a few sums, glancing over at Poppy who was struggling with her second sum.

Raising her hand, she waved over at Skyler who came quickly.

"I just cannot seem to understand this sum, please can you help me?"

Her raising her hand led to a few more people doing the same and soon the room was filled with voices.

Skyler explained it to her, and she nodded along.

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