Chapter 2

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"I shall miss you all," Poppy said.

"We shall miss you too," Hazel said.

Within moments, she was crowded by her siblings, all of them piling her in a messy hug.

Basil looked up to her, his eyes solemn. "How long will it be before you are back?"

"In six weeks, there shall be a holiday. Do not worry too much, you shall not miss me too much," she said.

"I shall, I shall."

She giggled. "Oh no but you have everyone else here. You shall forget me within days."

He shook his head. "I shall never forget you; I promise."

She kissed him on the nose, disentangling herself from the pile of children then embracing them all in turn.

Hazel gripped her tightly. "Good luck."

"You too, you shall be in charge of the troops whilst I am gone."

She let go, looking at them all, swallowing down the lump in her throat and instead smiling.

"Goodbye," she said.

"Goodbye Poppy," they chorused.

She grabbed her suitcase, going downstairs. With every step she took, she realised how much she would miss all of them. She could only hope to find a new family with the girls at Coleorton.

"Are you ready now Poppy?" Mother said.

"Yes," she said.

"You do not have to go if you do not want to. I can tell your Father and he can write to the school," she said.

She brought her smile back, fixing it into place. "Of course, not Mother. You and I both know this is the best option for me."

"I am so happy you agreed. Coleorton School will open up avenues we could never offer you."

"Ah Poppy, shall we leave now?" Father said.

Mother clutched her to her chest, her warmth washing over Poppy. "Remember to write to us."

"Every week."

Father joined in on the embrace.

It was just six weeks until the next holidays. She could survive six weeks.

Mother slowly let go of her. "You should get going now. I do not want you to be late for your first day of school."

"Goodbye Mother."


Grabbing her suitcase, she took one last look at Mother's smiling face then left the house, going to sit on the back of the pony-cart.

Father went atop the horse. "Are you excited to go to school?"

"A little, I am quite nervous too."

"Well, you can enjoy the quietness, it shall be much more peaceful than home."

She laughed; Father always knew how to raise her spirits.

"Perhaps I shall. Hopefully, I will make friends."

"I have no doubt that you will. If not, you can charm them like your animals. You have brought your pipe have you not?"

She patted her suitcase. "Of course, I have."

"I hope their choir is good. We cannot have you outshining everyone."

"I hope so too. It seems almost strange that I got a scholarship purely for my music."

"Well, you are very talented. We are lucky you have this scholarship, going to Coleorton will really help you fulfil your dreams."

Poppy looked over the cart, the school slowly coming into view. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as they neared it. She hopped off the cart, holding her suitcase tight as Father led her to the gates.

"Goodbye my little butterfly. Your Mother and I are so proud of you."

Poppy held back tears, smiling instead. "Goodbye Father."

Father kissed her on the head then handed her a small package.

She furrowed her brows. "What is this?"

He smiled. "A little surprise for you. Open it when you get to your room."

She hugged him tight then picked up her suitcase, walking through the gates. Turning around one last time, she saw Father waving, a smile spread across his face. As she turned back around, she collided into a mass of red hair, knocking them both to the ground.

Gleaming eyes met hers. "Ruby Anderson, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She blushed. "Poppy Rowan, I am awfully sorry for this."

Ruby held out her hand, pulling her up. "There is no need to be sorry. I was not watching where I was going."

Poppy grabbed her suitcase, startled when Ruby linked her arm in hers. She expected to make friends eventually, but not this soon.

"Now, what to do. We are the first here, except for Miss Parker and her entourage," Ruby said.

"Miss Parker?"

"Over there."

Poppy looked where Ruby was pointing. True to her word, Miss Parker, a tall girl was surrounded by various other girls all smiling adoringly at her.

"That is a lot of girls," Poppy said.

"I suppose it comes with being the mayor's daughter. Have you decided what we are to do yet?"

Poppy glanced around, there were no teachers here yet. "Well, there is ten minutes until school starts, we may as well start exploring the grounds."

Ruby smirked. "Ah, a girl after my own heart. Come on, race you to the door."

Poppy laughed, grabbing her suitcase and running after her. 

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