Chapter 19

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Violet took a piece of paper from the pile on the front desk, sitting at her seat.

"You have an hour to write your letter before I collect them to post," Sister Morten said.

Sister Morten took out a pile of their books, beginning on her marking. Violet took out her last letter from Mother reading through it.

Only Mother had written her a letter last week although she had mentioned Cecil and Father sending their regards.

Violet expected at least a little more from Cecil, she had written him weekly letters when he had gone away for school. Father on the other hand barely said a handful of words to her when she was at home, a letter would be a significant increase.

Staring down at her blank page, she thought of how to compose a reply.

To Mother,

I am glad you are all well, I am enjoying my second week at school. Our lessons have been, admittedly, boring however I do believe I have learnt quite a lot.

I was very happy when I you wrote of the column being vacated, I do hope you are able to convince Father to let me write for it.

Violet paused, unsure of how to word how much it would mean to her to finally have an opportunity to write. Perhaps, Father would sway with Mother's convincing, hers had not done much these past years.

I shall write whatever it is he wishes me too, as long as I have the chance.

"Are you all right Violet, you look worried," Sunny said.

"Do you remember how I told you about the column that was now free?"

Sunny nodded.

"Well Mother said she would try to convince Father to let me write for it and I am trying to present some form of convincing for her."

"I do hope your father agrees, I know how much you love that newspaper."

"I hope so too. Do say hello to your mama for me in your letter."

"I shall, can you too?"

"Of course."

Violet turned back to her letter, writing again.

I will even write under a pseudonym if he does not want everyone to know. You know as well as I that Cecil is not interested in the newspaper, and it is only going to hurt the business if he continues to be forced into it.

On a brighter note, I wanted to tell you of my new group I mentioned in my last letter. We all went out into the forest last Friday. I know it is strictly prohibited, but do not worry as we were not caught.

I do think we have all grown closer as a group as a result of our excursion and I do hope that we shall continue as such.

Violet was quite thankful for last Friday, despite all the stress that came with almost being caught. Before she had felt she was barely friends with Skyler and Sunny and now she had formed somewhat of an acquaintance with the others.

I hope you; Cecil and Father are well; I do miss you quite especially. Sunny also sends her regards; she and I are having fun with our new friends here at Coleorton.

Love, Violet.

Folding the letter, she put it into the envelope and wrote the address neatly, sealing it. she turned to Sunny beside her who had already begun her drawing.

"Violet, have you already finished your letter?"

"Yes, would you like some help with your drawing?"

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