Chapter 22

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Ruby straightened her pinafore, resisting the urge to swap it for something more comfortable. In her last two weeks at Coleorton she had received some form of punishment every day for her alterations to the school uniform.

Today's alteration was so subtle, however, that she was quite sure no one would notice.

"A full uniform today, Ruby? And here I thought you said they shall never break your spirit," Poppy said.

"Well even the Lord rested on a Sunday, besides I am not wearing a full uniform. I have made one minor change."

Poppy scanned her from head to toe, a frown on her face when she had not spotted it.

"Dear Poppy, if you concentrate any harder you may give yourself a headache. Take a closer look at my ribbons."

Poppy's eyes widened. "They are blue!"

"They are, I wonder if Sister Morten shall notice."

"Quite probably, she never misses anything."

"Well, the only way we shall know is if we try. Come we should head to the service."

Ruby walked beside Poppy towards the church, entering with the rest of their group. As she passed Sister Morten, her eyes widened.

"Miss Anderson, please step aside."

"Yes Sister Morten."

She supressed a smile as Sister Morten inspected her uniform, eyes narrowed.

"Miss Anderson, to think I had faith you had learnt your lesson and were adhering by the uniform rules. Do not think I have noticed your amendment of your blue ribbons."

"I was just testing you Sister Morten, as you have said, it is important for us to keep our minds sharp."

"On any other day that comment would give you another detention. Since it is Sunday, I shall give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Thank you, Sister Morten."

"Now go take your seat, the service is about to start."

Ruby walked over to their pew and caught Skyler's eye who patted the empty space next to her at the end of the bench.

"Thank you for saving me a seat."

"You are welcome."

"Goodbye Skyler, good luck with your tutoring."

"Thank you, Ruby."

Ruby walked from Sister Morten's classroom to their room, eager to have the opportunity to change out of her uniform.

"The weather is quite wonderful today, should we sit outside?" Miss Bella said.

"Yes, I wanted to do some more birdwatching. I think I saw a robin yesterday in class," Poppy said.

Ruby quickly laced her boots, catching up with Poppy and linking her arm with hers. They all sat around the tree; the forest awfully close to them.

During the day it was not half as scary as it was at night, but it was still hostile. How Poppy spent so much time longing to be there, she did not know.

Suddenly Poppy leaned across her to Sunny. "Is that a daisy bracelet?"

Ruby looked at the daisy chain, remembering when her and Mother made them together.

Poppy smiled widely. "I used to make those all the time for my siblings. Ruby, would you like a daisy bracelet?"

"I would love one. I shall make one for you too."

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