Chapter 11

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"I hate Mathematics, I cannot work out sums to save my life," Poppy said.

"Luckily, it is just an hour. We have double History, two hours of listening to her drone on about Harald Hardrada," Ruby said.

"What about you Skyler, do you like History?" Sunny asked.

Skyler flushed as everyone looked at her. "Well, I do not particularly mind it, I think it is fascinating learning about things that happened before us, but the teacher is very boring."

They all nodded, and she breathed a sigh of relief, her little contribution over. It was not that she did not like the other girls, it was more that she found it hard to talk to people she had only met two days prior. She preferred to listen to the other's contributions to the conversation.

Skyler walked into the classroom behind Sunny, taking her place beside Poppy.

"Miss Anderson."

"Yes, Sister Morten."

Skyler looked up from her book. Sister Morten had noticed Miss Anderson's adjustments to the uniform. Instead of the regular uniform, Miss Anderson had chosen to wear own dress with the school pinafore over it.

Sister Morten frowned. "I did not realise red dresses were part of the uniform."

"Neither did I, if they do get added though, could you please tell me?"

Skyler had to admire Miss Anderson's bravery; she could not even imagine having the confidence to talk to a teacher like that.

"Go back to your room and change into the uniform. You shall have washing duty again tonight."

Miss Anderson even had the cheek to bow slightly as she sauntered back to their room.

"Girls, today we shall be learning about weights and measures."

Skyler looked away from Miss Anderson and instead focused on her work, writing down the sums and working out the answers.

She noticed Poppy, out of the corner or her eye, looking very confused.

"Would you like some help?"

Poppy smiled. "Please."

"Girls no talking."

"I am sorry ma'am; Skyler was just helping me with my sums."

"All right then, but only talk about sums."

Skyler turned to Poppy and began explaining.

"Ah, Miss Anderson, I see you have decided to join us. The sums are on the board, if you need any help ask me."

"Yes, Sister Morten."

Miss Anderson sat at her desk, immediately talking to Miss Hunter and Miss Parker. Skyler turned back to Poppy and continued helping her with the sums.

"Thank you, Skyler, I think I understand them now."

"You're welcome."

Skyler turned back to her own book and continued working. She had never thought of herself as particularly good at Mathematics, but somehow, she was flying through the work.

"Miss Bradshaw."

Skyler looked up from her work to see Miss Anderson looking at her, a wide grin across her face.

"Yes, Miss Anderson?"

She looked to see if Sister Morten was watching but she seemed preoccupied with writing the answers on the board. Besides, practically everyone else in the class was also talking.

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