Part 5

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"Benny's POV-

"Why'd you bring him, Benny?" Ham asked.

"Because there's eight of us and he makes nine." I said.

"Yeah. Yeah. So would my sister but I didn't bring her." Yeah- Yeah stated.

"With nine guys we got a whole team, Yeah- Yeah." I repeated.

"No. With Elswenger, we had a whole team.
And Elswenger could catch. Ham stated.

"And throw." Kenny jumped into. "C'mon, Benny Man, he ain't game, you saw the way he threw." Kenny stated.

"Yeah, you already fill up all the empty positions since Elswenger moved to Arizona." Timmy jumped in.

"Right. And now I get to rotate eight positions instead of seven. I need the practice guys!" I

"You're the best on the team! You don't need any practice!" Ham jumped back into the conversation.

"No you don't!" Squints yelled back at me.

"You're the best, man." Bertram also jumped into the conversation.

"C'mon, Benny Man. The kid is a L-7 Weenie!" Squints yelled to make sure Smalls heard him.

"Yeah. Yeah! Oscar Mayer even. Foot-Long! Dodger dog! A weenie!" Yeah- Yeah yelled to make sure Smalls heard him too. They all started laughing except Smalls, y/n, and I.

"What are you laughing at Yeah- Yeah?" Y/n jumped into the conversation. "You run like a duck!" Y/n said and I started laughing. "Good one, n/n" I said high-fiving her.

"Kk. But. I-I'm." Yeah- Yeah said stuttering.

"Part of the game, right?" I said.

"Well...yeah." Yeah- Yeah said.

"Now how come he don't get to be?" I said.

"Because he's a geek, man." Bertram said. "He can't catch." Timmy said.

"Man, base up, you Blockheads!" Y/n said walking back to to Smalls. I follow.

-your POV-

I walked over to Smalls. Benny following.

"Smalls, you take left center, okay?" Benny said.

"Okay. Um, where exactly is that?" Smalls asked a little confused.

"It's over there, man" I say pointing to left center. Benny and I start to walk away.

"Here?!" Smalls said.

"That's left, he said left center." I say shaking my head. "Oh, right!" Smalls said running over to left center field. Benny and I just nod.

"N/n, where are you gonna go?" Benny asked. "I'll just play shortstop for now because Yeah- Yeah is 3rd and Bertram is 2nd!" I said. "Okay, n/n" Benny said walking to home plate with his bat.

"N/n, get two." Benny said. "Okay!" I said. Benny hits a grounder to me. I scoop it up and throw it to Bertram who's at 2nd base. "Throw it in here, Bertram!" Timmy yelled from 1st base. Bertram threw it to Timmy who threw it to Ham, who was playing catcher.

"Nice!" Ham said. Ham tossed the ball back to Benny.

"Hey, Smalls! Throw to second!" Benny yelled.

"O-okay!" Smalls says nodding. Benny hits the ball to Smalls. We all gasp we how high the ball went.

"He's not gonna catch it, Benny." Timmy says.

Smalls backed up to get the ball but then fell on his butt. The ball rolled to the fence.

"Oh! I told you, Benny. We told you." Ham said shaking his head.

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