it means a variety of things

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| away from home

to gaslight someone - to manipulate  someone or a group of people to question their reality, memory, or perception of events.

gaslighting - a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions.

Two days later.

Whose heart is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite angry though.

Los Angeles, California. 🇺🇸


perhaps chris could sense something in wymer that meazey and anyone else around them, couldn't. like, chris knew that wymer was a survivor, and that he had seen and experienced things that no one else his age should have to deal with.

it was like he could sense the overwhelming anger and pain that wymer carried around with him, and it made chris even more protective of meazey, because he knew what that anger could do to the people around him. he could see the way that wymer would lash out at people who got too close to him, and he knew that meazey was different. she didn't deserve any of that.

chris could see that wymer seemed to have destructive tendencies, and he didn't want that to happen to meazey. he wanted to protect her, to make sure that she didn't get hurt by wymer's anger. at the same time, he didn't want to push her away, because he knew how important she was to wymer. it was a delicate balance, and one that he wasn't sure he could maintain.

and he knew how much meazey cared about wymer, and he didn't want to piss his daughter off even more and make her hate him even more. so, he decided to give it a try. he would try to understand what was going on with wymer, and he would try to help him through it. he would be there for meazey, and he would be there for wymer, too. because he loved them both, and he wanted the best for them.

and after him fighting with wymer, he decided maybe he needed to take a step back and think about what he could do to help. he knew that meazey was trying her best, but sometimes people just needed space.

so, he decided to allow meazey to go and be with wymer as a way to show her how sorry he was for fighting with him. and in doing so, he was giving her space to try to work things out with wymer on her own, if that's what she needed to do. but he'd be close by, just in case she needed him. he didn't want meazey to feel like she had to deal with everything on her own.

and he still didn't trust wymer enough, if at all. he knew that wymer had a bad temper, and he knew that he could be violent. but he also knew that meazey was strong, and she could handle herself. and he knew that she cared about wymer, even if it didn't always seem that way. so, he decided to let them have some time together, as long as they stayed in public places and didn't do anything that would get them in trouble.

and from what he knew, wymer wasn't showing any violent behaviors towards meazey. in fact, it sort of seemed like meazey calmed wymer down a lot, or at least gave him motivation to be better. he didn't know how much of that was genuine, or if meazey was just playing a part to get close to wymer, but he was going to give it the benefit of the doubt.

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