Chapter 1: Anger

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I want to escape here, with you...

The memories of him flooded in my mind. It made me so frustrated; why didn't we just go with the fucking plan? The frustration turned into anger, like always.

I ended up back in the gym taking out my anger by doing excessive arm workouts. My strength has increase over the short amount of time he has been gone and if you weren't scared of me before, you're defiantly scared of me now. My muscles were more prominent and I always wore a frown. Those two factors combined made me look like I actually belonged here.

"Hey dude," a voice brought me out of my thoughts.

Tyler just walked into the weight room. He usually came looking for me when it was time for food. If he left whenever Brock or Craig did, I'm pretty sure I would be a dead man for I would forget to eat everyday. If you couldn't tell, eating isn't really on my agenda.

We made our way to the cafeteria silently. This was the usual though; our little group of three went completely quiet after the only joys in our shitty lives left us. We've also made a name for ourselves, The Silent Threats. I wasn't the only one out of the three of us that worked out excessively. I was just the first one to do it.

Brian was silently eating his food when we made it to the cafeteria. Out of us, he was the quietest. He really didn't speak to anyone besides Brock so when Brock was released, he felt like he didn't have the need to talk... so he doesn't. Every time we grasp his attention long enough to ask him a simple question like how's your day been, he responds with a shrug on carries on with his business.

Tyler tried to start up a slight conversation, but was almost immediately put down by both me and Brian. Tyler usually was the most talkative. He was also very protective of both of us and made sure we were still alive and well.

Looking around the table, I noticed how empty our table really was. The table that once held a proud number of nine (including Marcel) was now dwindled down to three. Six seats were empty and would stay empty for no one dared to sit by us. I don't blame anyone though, I wouldn't either.

The security guards started to dismiss the tables we sat at like we were elementary students. After the "big escape" he managed to do, security became more strict just like the warden said. There was always a guard in your vision or a security camera. The time schedule became even more strict and the guards started to do multiple cell checked during the day.

Once our table was dismissed, we dispersed out and went to our cells. It was working hour and if you didn't have a job (like the three of us), you were forced into your cell. If you weren't in your cell by the time the guards checked, you were sent into solitary for the rest of the day. It was slightly harsh but the warden said, "You're probably trying to escape, not taking a shit," whenever the first prisoner complained about being forced into solitary for no reason.

The hour was quickly up, too quick for my liking because it was now exercise period and I hate working out with all these sweaty nerds. The only two people I mind working out with are the two obvious people I hangout with. Bragging and grunts were the only thing that was heard upon entering the room and that's why I hated being in here with all these people. They were either too cocky or too over dramatic.

Tyler and Brian were sectioned out of the group doing inclined presses. Most people not only stayed away from us during lunch, but also during everything else. Being the third wheel in this situation and not having anyone to spot me, I just grabbed a couple of 50 lb. dumbbells and did simple arm workouts.

Free periods were probably the most harsh out of all the periods. You couldn't be by yourself unless you told a guard you were in your cell and you couldn't group with anyone in your cell unless there was a guard with you. The guards also had the privilege to take you into "time-out" if they thought you were doing "suspicious" shit. Most of the guards just abused this privilege and messed with anyone and mostly everyone, well, except for us three. Even the most burliest of the guards had slight fear when it came to interacting with us. The three of us had a upper hand when it came to free periods. We never got picked on and if we were found alone in a cell or with each other, we were left alone.

I was currently alone in my cell. I actually decided to tell a guard I was and I'm pretty sure the guard almost shat his pants whenever I went to go tell him. The face he made was very comical but I didn't dare show any sign of a smile. It's almost like I've forgotten how to smile and as of right now, so has Tyler and Brian.

The day started to blur, like most of the time, and I found myself at dinner with two quiet lads.

Jonathan's POV:

"Put all the money in the bag," I screamed at the cashier of the convenient store I was currently robbing.

As I aimed my shotgun at his face, he quietly stuffed a bag with money. His shaky hands passed the bag of money over to me and I shot him in the face. This was the third time I robbed this particular store and I don't need him to get a better description of me.

Sirens were heard in the background as I drove hastily down the busy street. Déjà vu washed over me; I was in this exact situation whenever I first got caught. The only difference was I now have a car and the cops were probably the worst cops known to man.

Most of them were un-athletic and couldn't run faster than a turtle. They looked like they had no training in the shooting department and never tried to arrest you; they only tried to kill you. It was near impossible to get caught because they always gave up in less than twenty minutes and never looked around town to try to find you.

If the police department was actually good, then most of the millionaires living here would be locked up so its a good thing their not. If you couldn't guess it, most of the rich were criminals. They were scammers, thieves and pro-hackers. Everyone with money, including most of the FIB, got their money by going against the government and selling drugs or robbing banks. I technically wasn't one of these people yet, but I was making my way up there with the help of a couple people everyone knows, Lester, Gerald, etc.

Like usual, the sirens slowly disappeared and I made my way back to my apartment. My apartment was a pretty nice apartment in a little plaza called the Weazel Plaza. It was a nice little two story apartment and had a garage that could fit ten cars maximum.

Loneliness hit me like a truck. It usually did right after something so adrenaline pumping as robbing a store. I know no one here and decided against taking someone from the prison with me. I really regretted not taking Evan with me. The thought of him made me sad. From what I've heard, the prison basically went into lockdown. Every criminal that went in probably won't ever see broad daylight until their sentence is up. The security was strict and the only way you could escape from the prison was if you died. Knowing that I probably won't see Evan alive ever again reoccured in my mind almost everyday. It was the thing that kept me up at night or left wet stains on my pillows. It was depressing but no matter what happens, I know that Evan would want me to stay strong no matter how mad he is/was at me.
A.N.~ I'm starting to like this a lot better than the first... :) I hope ya'll still read this though :) I'm also thinking about reading a fanfic about MiniCat cause I'm hardcore shipping them right now. :) (Them excessive smiley faces).

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