Chapter 16: No Hard Feelings?

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Tyler's POV:

I stared at Evan, sympathy and guilt written all over my features. I looked over at Craig, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

"What happened here?" Craig questioned curiously as he made his way over to my side.

"Well you see..." I trailed off, unsure of how to word everything. Out of the corner of his eye, he eyed me suspiciously.

"Well, I see Evan clutching his head in pain," Craig began. "The reason why, I have no fucking clue. Care to explain?"

"I accidentally hit him with a frying pan," I mumbled, barely audible.

"You what?!" Craig exclaimed, obviously making out what I mumbled.

"W-Well," I stuttered," I didn't know it was him!"

"What do you mean you 'didn't know it was him'?" Craig questioned. Sighing, I started to explain the whole story to him, starting from the very beginning...

"Ah yes," the warden began, "Tyler Wild, correct?"

I nodded my head, confused and suspicious as to why I was called to the warden's office.

"Good news, buddy!" Mr. Warden exclaimed, his smile faker than Nicki Minaj's ass. "Your time's up! Sorry for the short notice, but you can collect your items and you're free to go!"

I froze, excited yet sad at the same time. I nodded my head before excusing my self to tell Brian what was going on.

I walked into the cafeteria, it was currently lunch, and made my way to our table that now had only one inhabitant.

"Hey buddy," I greeted sadly. He looked up at me confused; he obviously noticed my sad tone. "I'm so sorry, but I'm leaving."
I got on my plane; my destination, Los Santos. Upon leaving the prison for good, I stumbled into Mr. Sark, the one who helped Evan escape.

He gave me some good information, telling me to go to Los Santos. He told me that that's where he'd shipped Evan off to. So, I listened, and with the little money I had, I booked the next flight to LS, California.

It was a pretty convenient place to take him there too; I knew a couple of old acquaintances that could help me get on my feet.
"Hey Lester!" I greeted the somewhat crippled man by pulling him into a 'bro-hug'. He greeted me back, but with less enthusiasm and slight awkwardness.

"You ready to go?" He asked, eyeing the duffle bag of shit the prison 'graciously' provided for me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I mumbled. Hearing that, he turned the other direction and started walking off, me in tow.
"So," Lester began, "I'm guessing you're here for your little boyfriend?" We were at his house, him relaxing on his couch while I stood awkwardly at the entrance of his living room. I didn't want to get comfortable, I just needed some information and then I was going to leave.

"What?" I questioned confused, I was here looking for Evan, and I knew that's not who Lester was talking about.

"Are you not looking for..." Lester trailed off, trying to remember their name. "Hm, ah yes! Aren't you looking for Craig? He recently came into town; did you not know this?"

I shook my head, I forgot to ask him where he was going to settle down before he was let out of prison. Depression somewhat settled in after he left. I thought I'd never see the love of my life again.

"Oh, well now you know!" Lester exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. "So, you wanna meet up with your lover boy or..."

I nodded my head, a huge smile on my face. Lester ignored it and headed to his setup, looking up Craig's files to find where he lived.
Borrowing Lester's car, I sped off in the direction of Craig's apartment complex. Excitement bubbled in me; I was planning on surprising him. Lester had told me that he was most likely not at his apartment, giving me the perfect opportunity to surprise him once he got home.

Parking on the other side of the apartment's street, I got out and jogged into the building. Patiently waiting for the elevator, I looked down to see what floor and apartment number his was.

The elevator ride was short and I finally reached what floor I wanted to be on. Forgetting his apartment number, I looked back at the sheet.

"Apartment number..." I dragged out, looking down at the sheet of paper that had the apartment's information on it, "35."
"So, yeah," I finished off. "Now he's in pain and shit." Craig shook his head, a slight smile on his lips from my stupidity.

"Go get some Ibuprofen from my bathroom downstairs," Craig ordered. "I'll go find something frozen in the kitchen.

Being the nice (and guilt ridden) guy I was, I obeyed and made my way down his apartment's stairs. Upon reaching the bottom of the steps, I noticed that it was his sleeping quarters.

Looking around, I noticed a random door and a walk-in closet. I walked over to the door and opened it, seeing as it probably was the bathroom.

Looking around the bathroom, my eyes froze on the medicine cabinet over the sink. That's probably where he kept the Ibuprofen. After snatching the bill bottle from the cabinet, I left the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I silently went up the stairs to the living room.

"This shit is going to be awkward," I heard Evan groan.

"What's going to be awkward?" I questioned making my way fully into the living room, making my presence clear.

"Oh, nothing," Craig answered quickly, too quickly. Instead of causing a feud, I pretended I believed him. I'll ask him about it in a more personal setting.

"Okay. Well, here's the medicine," I replied, tossing the bottle to Craig. I sat down beside Evan, and observed him as he held a bag of ice to his injured head.

"Hey," I mumbled to Evan, gaining his attention. "You know, I'm sorry for, ya' know... throwing a frying pan at your face." Evan chuckled, which relieved me.

"It's alright," Evan accepted my shitty apology.

"No hard feelings?" I questioned, rising my head for a deal-making handshake.

"No hard feelings." He repeated, taking my hand and shaking it hard.

"Awe, would you look at that," Craig sarcastically exclaimed, dumping two pills in Evan's open palm. "It's a brotherly bond."

Evan snorted and swallowed the pills dry. He laid back on the couch and balanced the ice pack on his forehead. He seemed exhausted.

"If you want, you can go take a nap on my bed," Craig offered, also noticing Evan's weird exhaustion.

"I'll try," he muttered, shuffling down to Craig's bedroom. I just watched him until he was out of sight.

"So..." I dragged out, turning to face Craig. "You going to tell me why shit's going to be awkward, or not."

A.N.~ So, here this is. Not really action packed, but I guess that's okay... right?

Did you guys see the #AskMiniMoo... It had me like bruh.

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