Chapter 8: Freedom

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A splitting headache woke me up from a dreamless slumber. I cracked my eyes open only to be greeted by an unfamiliar setting; I was in a regular bedroom, not a cell. The walls were a modern cream color that sported a couple pieces of art. It was a fully furnished bedroom that had a queen sized bed, bedside table, a desk, and a dresser. In a corner of the room was a window. Moonlight fled through the window giving me the information that it was still nighttime.

I got out of the very comfortable bed and made my way to one of the three doors the room had. Hoping it was the door to the hall, I opened it only to be disappointed. It was the bedroom's closet. Closing the door, I made my way to the second door. Once again, I was disappointed when I opened the door; it was the bathroom. Sighing at my horrible luck, I made my way to the third and final door, the door out of the room.

The hallway's floorboards creaked as I quietly made my way down it. At the end of the hallway was a set of descending stairs that led to an opened area. I realized that it was the living room after climbing down the stairs. The living room was almost pitch black, the only thing illuminating the place was the television that was still on. No one was down in the living room, obviously, or in the kitchen beside it, so I went back upstairs in search for the house owner. Since this was all Sark's plan, I kind of assumed that this was his house. I barged into the first room I saw that wasn't mine and realized it was Sark's either.

In the middle of the room was a crib that had a mobile hanging over it. The room was very baby girl-esk. It had baby pink walls with flowers all over them, furniture that matched the walls and toys, dolls, stuffed animals, etc. were scattered about the floor. Not wanting to wake the infant, which was obviously in the crib, up, I rushed to leave. Upon my exit, I noticed that 'Atlas' was spelled in big, bulky letter on the inside of the door. Since Sark never talked about his personal life, I assumed she must be his child.

Instead of just barging into the next door, I gently opened it and peered into the crack I made. This room was more adult-like; it was basically the same as mine but with a bigger bed. On the bed laid two figures, one I assumed was Sark and the other Mrs. Sark. Tiptoeing across the carpeted floor, I made my way to the bed. Sark gently snored as he and his wife cuddled. I gently tapped his shoulder in hopes to wake him up and not his wife.

He stirred and cracked his eyes open looking over at me. His eyes widened once he realized it was me and stealthily detangled himself from his wife. He ushered me out of his room and down to the living room. The blinding living room lights were turned on by Sark as we both got comfortable on his couch.

"You're awake!" He whisper/shouted, excitement indulged his voice.

"I'm awake!" I mimicked thrusting my arms into the air. We had a slight staring contest before, what I can only assume, Sark's father instincts kicked in.

"Are you okay? Are you hungry? Do you need any type of assistance?" Sark rambled on, concerned about my safety.

"I'm fine," I chuckled, my voice raspy for my lack of talking. "I just have a slight headache. That's why I woke you up."

"Oh," he replied. "I'll be right back then." He then stormed off into the kitchen and came back minutes later with a pill bottle and a cup of water. "Here ya' go bud."

I graciously took the pain relievers and downed the glass of water. Drinking it made me realize how dry and dehydrated my mouth was. Chuckling at my 'thirstiness', Sark sat back down on the couch with me.

"What time is it?" I asked. "How long was I out?"

"Uh, 2:30AM," Sark answered after examining his watch," and you were out for about three days. I was starting to worry that I was housing a corpse, not a wannabe one."

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