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Weeks later and Alissa is safe and healthy at home. I'm staying at her house because Martin and Vinnie are working and I got to keep her safe after what happened but, she keeps refusing for me to help her.

"Maya, just go home I can take care of myself," she said waddling over to me and I'm doing the dishes.

I know she wants my help but, I know she doesn't want to be alone while Martin is not around.

Twenty years listen since Alissa and I became friends, and it was the best twenty years of my life really helped out each other through tough times heartbreak just being there and making each other happy I just love her so much.

We're now on the couch eating snacks while watching Disney movies.

"I love you, you know that," I said looking at her while eating popcorn.

"I love you too, Maya," she said.

"You look a little off, what's up?" I looked at her giving my full attention.

"Do you think I'll be a good mother?" she said doubting herself?

I know where she's coming from, I felt like that when I was pregnant with Parker. But, I know that she going to be the mother in the entire world. And it's also really scary but I know she'll get through it.

I tell her to put her hands in mine and we both took deep breaths.

"Listen to me okay, you are going to be the best mother ever and no one can tell you otherwise," I said softly caressing her hand.

She didn't say anything, she just hugs me and we stay in that position for a good ten minutes.

We continue watching Tangled while eating snacks when Parker ran to us with his shoes all muddy.

"Oh, Parker Lewis Hacker, have you been jumping in the mud again," I said with my arms crossed clearly telling him that I'm really disappointed in him for doing that.

Mud all over his shoes, typical Parker.

"Sorry, mama." He apologises looking up at me with those really big brown eyes of his.

I helped him take his shoes off and sat him down on the couch as I take the shoes and put them in the washing machine.

I get back in the living room and tell Parker to come with me so I could shower him. After that, I dress him and now he's all clean.

We went back downstairs to the living room and the three of us snuggled on the couch and continued watching Tangled.

We've heard the door opened and Parker turned to see who's there, his jaw dropped then smile so brightly. Martin and Vinnie came home with a takeaway.

"Uncle Marty! Daddy!" Parker shouted jumped off the couch and ran up to them giving them a big hug.

"Uncle Marty? I love that nickname" Martin said to Parker.

He runs back to me and sits on my lap. Vinnie came over and put the food on the table and leaned over to me and kissed my cheek, also Parker's. he sits beside me and wraps his arms around my shoulder, I laid my head on his shoulder.

He then gently grabs my hand and starts caressing it. I look up at him I can see that he's already looking at me.

These butterflies in my stomach just making you feel so good right now, this makes me feel good, he makes me feel good. The moment I met him at skate park six years ago, made me realise that every never met, I would've never had Parker, been his girlfriend and get engaged. And I'm just glad that all of this has happened.

And I can't wait for what the future has on hold for us.

After we eat all the food finish watching a movie it was time for Vinnie and me to go because Parker fell asleep. We say our goodbyes and we start to head home.

We are now back at home and I flopped on the couch because I'm so tired. After Vinnie put Parker to bed he comes back downstairs and gives the cheekiest smile ever.

"Baby, what are you going to do?" I asked him.

He doesn't answer I just come closer and closer to me. He sits on the couch then grabs my waist and I sit on top of him. I know what he's playing but I'm not gonna let him.

He bits his lip as he puts his hands under my shirt Roaming his hands around until he's got to my breast. He rubs them gently making me main into his ear.

"Not wearing a bra, huh," he said then moves his hands onto my ass.

"Let's take this upstairs," I said then I get off of him and walks toward the stairs hoping he'll follow me.

I could feel him following me because of his footsteps. He goes in front of me staring deep into my eyes.

"How about I fuck you right here, right." Oh my, he sexy then he says that.

"What are you waiting for then," I smirk at him.

You know what happened next.


The FALLING series is soon coming to an end. These going to be one more chapter and a epilogue left


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