Chapter 45 // Further Embarrassment

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Hey everyone! It's been a little while, but I'm back with a new chapter! I'm actually super proud of this one and excited to share it with you guys, so enjoy❤️

"Playing for 'Home' here at Woodbridge highschool are our very own Knights football team!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, drowning out any other noise as the announcer introduced our team.

We had just finished playing our opening song, wearing our blue jackets with gold and silver accents, dress pants, and a hat with a white feather on the top.

It was basically what you would expect a marching band to wear and was honestly slightly embarrassing and tacky - one of the downfalls of taking band.

"-and playing as 'Guest' are the Aces from Stonecreek highschool, welcome here!"

The cheers that followed were slightly quieter than the first, considering it was a home game away from Stonecreek, but still rivaled ours.

I eventually looked down at the bench on the side of the field, searching for number twelve - or more specifically, Logan.

It was difficult to spot him at first considering most of them had their helmets on, blocking the sight of his blonde hair from my view. But once I did, I found him staring right back at me, a small smile on his face from what I could see.

I waved slightly, trying to figure him out as he raised his hand. His pointer and middle finger were together to create a little salut with a tilt of the head, turning back towards his coach.

The action was simple and casual, but it still made my face heat at the boyish charm he radiated.

I could tell my face was beaming with a grin as I looked away as well, shifting my focus until it accidentally caught on to Madison's.

She was wearing her cheerleading uniform, dark blue, white and gold, our school colours, with a skirt flaring out at the bottom - and for the millionth time this year, she was staring right back at me, a glare gleaming in her eyes.

I was about to look away, trying to appear unaffected by her hard gaze, when I noticed her break out into a laugh. My attention was now completely on her once again - probably just like she wanted - as her eyes drifted down to my outfit, her shoulders lifting more with laughter.

I knew the outfits were a bit cliche and dorky, but I tried to embrace the look that my band teacher was going for, telling myself it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

For years Madison had always told me the outfits were ridiculous, lightly joking about them each time we were mandated to wear them. But never had she mocked me.

I began questioning if all those times were her being straight with me like a good friend was supposed to do - like I thought she was - or just her actually making fun of me.

What was real and what wasn't?

She looked away first, rolling her eyes with a smirk as she turned back to the group of cheerleaders, all hyping each other up.

Was I the fool all along?

My eyes still lingered, as if I was frozen in place, my cheeks burning hotter than I was used to. Sweat lined my forehead and the outfit I had on began to feel suffocating, especially with all of the people around me.

For the first time since I'd joined the band, I felt embarrassed to be here - to be a part of this group that I loved.

Madison did that.

The movement of both football teams caught my attention as I watched them move to the center field, getting into position in a crouch for the kickoff. The football was in number sixty-four's hand.

I flinched as one of the players yelled out something that didn't carry to the bleachers.

And just like that the game had started.

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