Part 3

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Chapter 4 !

We sat on my plush, leather couch, watching.. Spongebob. There really wasnt anything on besides Ben 10, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and all those other boring, not-gonna-succeed tv shows. Harry sat about an arms length away from me to my right. I could almost smell the colon that I hadn't noticed before on him.

'Are you hungry?' I asked him out of the bloom.

'Yeah, just a little.'

'Okay' I said as I walked towards the kitchen. 'I have Goldfish, Takis, or Oreos!' I yelled from the pantry.

'Takis sound pretty good right now!' Harry shouted back to me.

I grabbed the family size bag of Takis and took two Caprisun's out of the fridge. I walked back over to the couch. I wondered to myself whether I should sit a little closer so we didnt have to awkwardly reach to get some Takis from the bag. I decided to sit down on the couch to where our knees would gradually graze upon eachother.

'Here you go.' I say as I hand Harry a Caprisun and set the bag of Takis right in between us. I started to try to puncture the little thingy to get my straw into the Caprisun, but it was budging! 

Harry snorted. 'Ya need some help?'

'Psh, no. I can do it.' Right when I said that, I finally poked the thing, but i hadn't noticed that i was squeezing the pouch and the strawberry kiwi juice exploded on my white t-shirt, soaking it.

'You totally didnt need help.' Harry started to laugh and got up to get some paper towels.

*Harry's POV*

I ripped some paper towels from the rack and turned around to head back to Lianna. I scanned the living room, but she wasnt there anymore. What the heck? I thought to myself. I heard a door from upstairs lightly slam. I walked up the stairs. 

Lianna's house was pretty nice. I walked into the first room on my left. It was filled with toy cars scattered around the room and a small bed in the corner. Lianna's brothers room. I walked out and lightly shut the door. There was another room, just a little further down. I crept in. Light brown painted walls, wood floors, a big king size bed against the wall. It was probably Mr. and Mrs. Smith's room. I walked out.

I sauntered to the other side of the stairs, my socks sliding across the wood flooring. I walked into, what seemed like, the last room upstairs. Each wall was halfway painted pink and the other half cheetah printed. Their were awards hanging on the walls and pictures of Lianna and her friends taped as a collage-shaped heart on one wall. Obviously this was Lianna's room.

I walked out of her room and went in search of her around the rest of the upstairs. There were no more bedrooms, but down the hall there was a door that was shut with light illuminating from underneath. I strolled over to it.

I was about to knock until I heard sniffling and heaving. She was crying..but why? I knocked.

'Go Away.' she said emotionless.

I didnt know what to do. I didnt want her to cry. 'Whats wrong?'

She sniffled again, 'Just go away.'

'Did I do something?'


My heart sunk, remembering that when the Caprisun exploded on her, I laughed and made a joke. I hadnt meant for her to take it to the heart, especially not cry about it..I feel so bad.

I sighed. 'I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to laugh..'

Another sniffle. 'Then why did you laugh?'

I knew my answer. It kind of gave me butterflies..'I thought it was cute.'

*Lianna's POV*

WHAT?! HE THOUGHT THAT WAS CUTE?? OH MY GOSH! WOAH. I DIDNT EXPECT THAT. And look at me, I'm crying. Ugh. Now I'm embarrased..'You..what?'

Harry, more confidently said, 'I thought it was cute-how you were so positive you could open the Caprisun, and then it splattered on you. I just thought it was.. cute.' I could hear his smile.

I sniffled one last time, shut off the light in the bathroom, and slowly opened the door.

*Harry's POV*

She opened the door and stood in the door way. Her almond colored hair that reached her hips, layed still. She was looking down, picking at her ruby red  painted finger nails. She was about 4 inches shorter than me. She was a little tanned, yet some how pale at the same time. She looked up at me, her amber brown eyes locking with my green ones. Some weird feeling came upon me. My heart started to beat a little faster. Why was I feeling this way? I have known her for, not even a year now, and this was my first time in her house. She-I-we..

'I'm sorry.' I blurt out.

Her cute little lips curve into a shy smile. 'It's okay..I was just..'

I waited for a couple seconds before talking, trying not to sound too eager, 'Just..what?'

'...Embarrased.' She blushed.

So did I. 'You shouldn't have been. I was stupid to laugh, I'm sorry.'

'Stop apologizing.' she says whille lightly giggling. 

'So, um..' I wasnt sure what to say.


*Lianna's POV*

My mom was home. Im happy and bummed about it. I felt this thing, butterflies in my stomach when we were talking throught the door and when he said what I did was cute. But it got awkward, because we didnt know what to do once I came out of the bathroom. Harry and I went down stairs.

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