Part 14

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guyssss, still no reads except for my own. LOL. I'm so lame hahaha(x Short part here..but filled with some dramaaa. READDDD(; Oh and theres a pic of Kelly >>>

Chapter 21 !

'You will be...' Mr. Weckler began saying. '...working in a group of 3-4 people and coming up with either a song, skit, or even dance routine!'

Different forms of satisfaction came from students. Everyone seemed happy about this assignment.

'Alrighty now, y'all get into groups of 3 or 4. Everyone must be included, no one will be left behind. Go!' He clapped his hands multiple times.

Students got up and started to get members for their groups. 

'Well you're certainly in my group.' Harry said nudging me with his shoulder.

'I better be.' I gave him a wink. 'But who else should be in our group? We have to have the minimum of 3..'

Right as I said that David came striding over. I looked at my feet and I cursed under my breath.

'Hey there cutie.' David poked me. I rolled my eyes, obviously he cannot get a clue. 'I'm gonna be in your group.' He poked me.

I looked up at him and began talking. 'I don't thi-'

'Sounds good mate.' Harry interrupted me. I whipped my head and raised my eyebrows giving him a what-the-heck look. He shrugged his shoulders.

Mable and Cindy got together with Brady and Stephen. I spotted Kelly awkwardly starring around, rubbing her arm and chewing on her bottom lip.

'Hey Kelly!' I shouted across the room. 

She looked at me, I waved for her to come over. She relaxed, gave me a smile and started walking towards me. 

'Thanks for calling me over...It got pretty awkward just standing there like a loner.'

I giggled. 'Not one of my friends will be left as a loner. No way Jose!' 

She let out a laugh and we hugged.

'Ugh, get on with it girlies.' David huffed.

'Oh shut up David.' I crossed my arms.

'Whatever.' David pouted.

'You're such a girl.' I retorted.

'I'm not the one hugging and giggling with my friends.'

'Are you sure about that?'

'Uh yeah. Positive.'


'Ooookay guys. So..' Harry butted in.

'Um, what are we planning on doing for this assignment?' Kelly piped up.

I uncrossed my arms and went to get my notebook from my backpack. 'Well do you guys have any like hidden talents or something?' I asked looking up at my group.

'I like to sing, I guess.' Harry said.

'I play guitar.' David added.

'Okay, that's a start. Kelly?'

'Oh hmm, I do a little ballet.'

'Oh yey!' I said excitedly.

'How about you babe?' Harry asked me.

'Oh well..uh. I dont really know.' I stuttered.

David storted. 'I know you have talent, babe.' He mimicked Harry.

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