Part 15

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Chapter 22 !

'WHAT?!' I screamed into the phone. H-how could she like him? She JUST called him a dick..What in the world. I am so confused..

'I-I know it's..sudden but like um. I just wanted to talk to someone about it..'

'Uh damn right it was sudden! He is a dick and my enemy! Ughhhh.'

'Okay okay..I probably dont really even like like him. I think it was kinda like a one day crush thing..'

I sighed. A silence came between Kelly and I. I bit my bottom lip and began talking. 'If you like him, you like him. I dont want to be the friend to ruin your little crush...I understand how you feel.' I smiled to myself.

'AWWW. Liannnaaaaa. That's so sweet! I knew you would give in and support me!'

'I didnt say I supported you liking David..I just said I wouldnt ruin it...' Kelly went quiet. I busted out laughing. I heard Kelly breath out and start laughing too.

'Oh my gosh Lianna, ugh you totally got me!'

Once we calmed down from our giggling hysterics Kelly started talking again.

'Lianna, you're the only person that I have told. Pleasse dont tell Jenny or even Harry, ok?'

'I promise.'

'Okay, well I have to eat dinner!'

'Okeedokee, bye!'

I hung up and got back to homework.


I was lying in bed reading when a little knock sounded at my door.

'Who is it?'

'It's Carter.'

'Oh, come in squirt.'

Carter barged in and ran onto my bed, his hand crashing on my stomach.

'Oof!' I held my stomach.

'Oh! Sowwy Leelee!'

I smiled at my sypathetic looking brother. 'It's okay. What's up?'

'Can you tuck me in and read me a bedtime story?'

'Of course.'

We both got off my bed and headed to Carter's room.

Carter jumped in his bed and cuddled with his stuffed toys.

'Okay Carter, what story do you want me to read to you?'

'Hm, how about one with trucks and trains?'

'How does a Thomas the Train story sound?'

'Yes! I like those stories!'

'Alright! Let's read!'

I walked to Carter's bedside and began reading.

When I finished reading the story to Carter, I looked down at him and saw he was fast asleep.

I pushed his hair off his forehead and planted a soft kiss on it. 'Goodnight Carter. Love you.'

With that, I walked out and went back to my room.

I checked my phone while getting into bed and saw I had a text message.

From: Harry.x

Babe! Just wanted to say goodnight(: Oh and have you planned on what you want to do for the group assignment in Theater?

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