Part 8

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*Lianna's POV*

I know I know.. Truth or Dare is childish.. but, I really liked it and I secretly thought to myself that I could get some juicy secrets out of Harry.

'Truth or dare?' Harry asked me, still smiling a little mysteriously.


'Oh c'mon, pick dare!'


I was interrupted by Harry whisper screaming chicken noises in attempt to give in. I'm so not falling for that.

'Har-' I started.


'Stop it, Ha-'

'Bawk!' He yelled a little too loudly. My eyes widened and I placed my hand over Harry's mouth. 

'HARRY!' I whispered, removing my hand from his mouth.

'BAWK!' Harry screeched louder than before.

'SHHH!!' I shut him up.

'If you don't do a dare.. I will screm something embarrasing really loud.' Harry threatned me.

'You wouldn't.' I glared at him. He gave me a cheeky smile. He inhaled a big breath, reading to start screaming. 'STOP. Fine... dare.' I barely whispered the last part.

'Yessss.' Harry hissed, and winked at me. My heart fluttered.

I looked Harry in the eyes as he began to talk. 'I dare you..' He stopped for dramatic pause.

'Just get on with it, so I can get it over with..'

'Alright. Um, I dare you to..take a pair of your..panties and place them on your head for the rest of the night.'

My jaw nearly dropped. He dared me to do what? Is he even kidding me right now? I was shocked, how in the heck did he come up with this? Ugh.

Harry smirked at my most likely surprised face. 'Go on.' He said motioning his head towards my drawers.

I got up off my bed and walked to my drawers. I opened my underwear drawer. I didn't have very.. fancy under garments. I was about to pull out these pink and black striped ones, until I saw a pack of laced underwear my aunt had gotten me for my 14th birthday. She called them 'Big Girl Panties'. I rolled my eyes at the memory and opened the little pack. I pulled out some red one, and placed them on my head.

I turned around and found Harry's mouth slightly agape. As soon as our eyes met, he closed his mouth and we both started to burst out laughing. I could just imagine how stupid I looked..I blushed seeing that my boyfriend just saw my underwear, but worse, he saw it on my head.

'Okay, okay. I look goofy, I know..'

'No, it's adorable.' Harry looked blushed and then looked down. His actions only made me blush more. I stood next to my drawers still while he was sitting on my bed. I broke the silence by saying,'Okay, your turn!'

'Oh yippee.'

I giggled. I walked over to my bed and plopped down next to him. 'Truth or Dare?' I asked him. I wanted him to pick truth so I could get some info out of him. But I also wanted him to pick dare so I could get back at him.

'Welll...I guess it's only fair if I pick dare too...,' Oh yeahh now I get to get back at him. '...BUT I don't like to play fair, so I choose truth.' My face fell. Uh, what the poop? That totally turned on me..Oh well. This will be fun.

'Hmm..wait what kind of questions do you NOT want me asking you?' I just didnt want to ask anything personal and make things awkward.

'Um, You can ask me anything, really. Im pretty much fine with whatever.'

'Ok. Uhh..' Now that I got the chance to ask what I wanted, I dont even have a clue what to ask. Before  I could think of something, words slipped out of my mouth. 'Are you a virgin?'

Harry's eyes widened, obviously shocked by my questioned. I didn't really mean for that to slip out. I was more or less debated if I should ask that, but it just slipped out of my mouth.

I smacked my forehead rather hard, punishing myself for asking such a stupid question. 'I-I don't know why I asked that..sorry. You dont have to an-'

Harry started to laugh.. at me. Oh great.

I looked down, really embarrassed.

He moved a little closer to me and lifted my chin to meet his eyes. My brown eyes locked with his beautiful green ones.

'Don't blush and don't be embarressed...,' I looked away while letting my mouth curve up into a really small smile. 'Oh and I am a virgin.' He answered my question.

I laughed quietly and looked him in the eyes again. 'Good.' I blushed again and smiled. He pulled me into a quick hug.

'Lianna..' I felt his warm breath near my ear.


'I just want you to know, that you can ask me anything. I don't want you to feel embarrassed about it. Ok?'

I smiled at his comment. He sounded so calm and comforting. I loved it. I smiled from ear to ear and said 'Okay.' I let a little giggle escape my lips. As I was backing out of the hug, I left a small peck on his cheek. Once his face came into view, I saw that he was smiling and had a hint of pinkness on his cheeks. Again, we ended up in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a.. good silence. 

'Wait.' Harry said all of a sudden.

'Uhh?' Was all I managed to say.

'Are you.. a virgin?' He asked hesitantly.

'No.' His face changed so fast from questioning to pure shock. ' HAHAHAH! I'm kidding! Of course I'm a virgin...,' I said, reassuring him, his face and body relaxing. '...I want to save myself for someone special..' I added lastly.

He smiled. 'Me too.'

We both ended up blushing.

'Okay, I'm done with truth or dare. Wanna watch a movie?' I asked Harry.

'Yeah, that sounds great.'

'What movie?'

CHAPTER 13 ! (short chapter)

'Well, I'm for any romance movie or a comedy.'

'Okay, let me see what I have.' I got off the bed once more and opened my closet revealing some clothing and a whole bunch of stacked CD's and DVD's. I jumbled through them. 'Alright. I have: Titanic, The Breakfast Club, Dumb & Dumber, and lastly, Peter Pan.'

'Hmm, I think I will go with the movie that has, action, romance, and some comedy..PETER PAN.'

I smiled in agreement.

I put the movie in my laptop, connected my laptop to my projector and adjusted the projector to project the movie onto my plain wall.

I grabbed some saltine crackers from my bedside drawer, and two water bottles I managed to sneak upstairs earlier.

I handed a water bottle to Harry as I opened the the saltine crackers. I moved back against the headboard of my bed and adjusted the pillows. I leaned back and got comfortable. I looked up from the pillows to see Harry still on the side of the bed.

'Harry, you know you can come sit next to me.' I patted the space on my bed next to me with the recently fluffed pillows. Harry smiled and came next to me and got comfy.

'Thanks babe.' Harry said with his English accent all of a sudden kicking in. I really never noticed it until now. I mean, I had noticed it before, it was one of the cutest things about him. But just when he thanked me, I really caught it and it gave me chills. I smiled in return.

I looked over at the clock: 10:04 p.m. The movie began. Before I knew eyes became heavy and I started to drift to sleep. The last thing I felt before fully falling asleep was my underwear covered head falling on something.

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