Part 16

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Chapter 24 !

I walked into theater class and saw Harry sitting in the front, yet again. I smiled and walked to him. I was a couple rows away from him when someone linked their arm with mine. I looked over and saw Kelly, she smiled at me.

We walked to where Harry was sitting and writing in a notebook. I unlinked arms with Kelly and sat next to Harry, giving him a peck on his cheek. He looked up at me.

'Hey babe, how was your day?'

'Pretty good, it went by kinda fast.' I replied.

'Yeah, same here.' Harry nodded while talking.

Kelly came and sat next to me. 'Have you seen David? Is he coming to class today?'

I turned to Kelly. 'No and I don't know.'

I could have sworn I saw Kelly pout for a second but she quickly recovered and smiled and started talking.  'So Harry, what are you writing?'

'Oh yeah, I was wondering the same thing.' I added.

'Well I thought if Lianna and I were gonna sing-'

'WHAT. You two are singing?! Aw that's so cute!'

I blushed and looked at my feet.

'Yes, so, as I was saying, since we are singing together, I thought I would make a song for us to sing?' What he said came out more as a question.

'That sounds great, Harry! Can I help?' I touched his arm.

Harry blushed. 'Thank you and of course babe.'

Now it was my turn to blush.

'Aw! You two are both blushing!!' Thanks Kelly..thanks.

Before I could say anything David came running towards us. 'I. Had. To. Go. Tell. My. Coach. I'm in. Theater.' David said between breaths.

'Calm down David. I can smell your breath from all the way over here.' I smirked at him.

I heard Harry scoff. Kelly kinda just stood there. She totally likes him, it aint no 'one-day crush'.

David glared at me. And took a step closer. He took a deep breath and then....let it out and blew it in my face.

'EW! David, you-' I gagged. 'Ugh you're so gross.'

'Dude, lay off.' Harry got up from his seat.

'Yeah? What if I don't?'

'I will beat the shit out of you.' Harry tightned his jaw.

'Oh really?'

'Yep.' I saw Harry clench his fist. Still looking at David as he backed away, I slip my hand down Harry's arm and held his hand. I felt him relax.

'Whatever.' David rolled his eyes. 'So what are we gonna do now?'

'Um, well Harry and Lianna are gonna sing together, I'm gonna dance, and I guess you're playing your electric guitar?' Kelly talked quietly.

I saw David's eyes soften and he replied, 'Oh okay, yeah that sounds pretty good.' 

'Where's your guitar?' I questioned.

David smacked his forehead. 'Shit! I forgot it in the gym!'

Harry snorted. 'Well go get it...' I heard Harry say "dumbass" under his breath but I don't think David seemed to hear him.

'Right, okay.' David started to walk away. But I had a great idea!

'Hold on David.' I called out. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, confused. 'Kelly, I forgot my vollyball jersey on the bleachers, could you get it for me?' I gave her a look. She got what I was trying to get at and obliged.

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