Part 17

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Chapter 26 !

'Lianna, wake up.' I felt someone shaking me.

'Gurfilthkmrnj.' I made some weird noises.


I jolted up. 'What?! What's happening!?'

I looked over and saw my mom standing above me.

'What do you want, mom? I wanna sleep.'

'Well, it is time for you to get ready for school.' I looked at the clock, 6:45.

'What? Why, I have more than an hour till school starts! AND it's Friday.'

'Not if you are walking..'


'I have to go to work early and your dad's foot is still healing. You have to walk to school.'

'Ugh. Are you serious!? It's like a 30 minute walk from here!'

'Well then you should start getting ready, shouldn't you?'

I sighed and got my clothes for the day and walked into my bathroom.

While I was in the shower, I started humming the song Harry and I were going to sing.

I really like the song. I'm glad Harry and I came up with it and worked together on it. 

He is such a great boyfriend..


My dad locked the door after me and I got to walking.

I pulled out my phone, put my earphones in my ears and turned up some music.

As I walked, I admired the scenery. It was the beginning of spring and everything was blooming. It was gorgeous.

I crossed the street where I saw the most beautiful flowers on a small tree. I walked up to it and picked a gorgeous blue, purple, and light pink flower. It matched my outfit so I stuck it in my hair. I looked on the camera on my phone at myself. Cute.

I kept walking, knowing that pretty soon, my least favorite place would come along...the alley.

I would love to go around it and go a safer, more comforting way, but I can't cos there is no other way. I know it wasn't very right to have a weapon, but I didn't care. I took out my sturdy pocket knife and began walking in the alley.

I was nearly through it when I heard someone sniff behind me. Keep walking, Lianna. Don't show them your fear. Just. Keep. Walking.

'Hey, girl. Get your ass over here.' A deep manly voice boomed. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. I don't wanna die. Oh my gosh, I'm so scared!

I heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

Just ignore him and walk faster. I started to walk a little faster. I hid my pocket knife a little higher into my sleeve.

'Bitch, didn't youuu heear meee?' His words slurred. He was drunk..or high. This wasn't good. I could run..

Before I got the chance to run I felt a tight squeeze on my shoulder and was spun around. I looked up and saw that the man hadn't shaved his face in a while, he was dirty, his eyes were bloodshot had bags underneath. He was clearly intoxicated...

'Leave me alone.' I said firmly. I tried to wriggle out of his grip. I didn't go anywhere, he just tightened his hand on my shoulder and I winced. 'Stop.'

'Don't tellll me whadda do, you worthless pieceee of shit.' I heard him growl under his breath.

I was getting really scared now. Don't not cry. I held back my frightened tears.

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