Part 11

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Chapter 16

*Lianna's POV*

'I have to ask you something.'

I stopped breathing for a second.. I don't even no why. I looked into both his eyes before answering.


'This is kind of hard to say...' I gave Harry a confused look. I nodded for him to go on.

'I was just wondering...' He took a deep breath. '....Do you like dogs?' He started cracking up.

'WOW. You're such a nincompoop!' I yelled at him.

'I got you back! That's what you get for scarring the shit out of me!' He smiled at me.

I was frowning, not meeting his eyes.

'Aw, come on, Lianna. I was joking..'

I looked up at him. 'You got me all nervous for nothing! Ugh.' I gave him a small smile.

He pulled me into a tight hug. 'Pwease fowgive mehh.' Harry said in a baby voice.

'I hate baby voices.' I said with all seriousness. I got out of his hug.

'Oh em gee. Like could you totally forgive me, dude?' He said in a ridiculous American accent. And then flipping his adorable curls to the side.

I snort laughed. 'Fineeee. I'm only forgiving you cos you actually pull off that accent, not well, but good enough.'

'Yay!' He came close and kissed me on the cheek. He stepped back and gave me a frown.


'When I just kissed you, I tasted your foundation.'

'Oh, sorry.' I giggled.



'Why do you wear makeup?'

'Hm. I guess I just feel pretty with it on.'

'You know, for the weeks that I have dated you, I have never seen you without any makeup...'

'Good.' I smirked at him. He smiled back.

'Take all your makeup off.'

'What? No..'

'Well, why not?'

'Like I said, I feel better with it on. Less insecure.' I looked down at my feet.

Harry took a step towards me and lifted my chin so that my eyes would meet his.

'I bet you look even MORE beautiful without makeup.' He leaned in and kissed my nose. 'Either way-make up or no make up-you will always be beautiful.'

No one has ever said that to me. No one. All my friends would say that I looked better with make up. My family would sometimes playfully make fun of my insecurities, but it would still hurt. What Harry just said really meant a lot. I felt a tear or two trickle down my cheek.

'Hey, hey..Don't cry.' Harry said in a calming voice and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

I smiled at him. 'Thanks. You have no idea how much that means to me.' I placed my hands on his neck and at the same time got a little on my tippy toes and pulled him into a sweet, meaningful kiss.

We broke apart. 'Wait for me in my room. I will just be a minute.' 

Harry looked a bit confused but obliged anyways.

When I saw him enter my room, I skipped to the bathroom, locked the door, and began taking off my make up.

I splashed my face once more with water and got a towel to dry it.

I walked into my room and Harry looked at me and examined me. 'Wow, you're so beautiful..'

*Harry's POV*

Lianna walked in. She had no make up on, and damn, she was absolutely gorgeous. Unbelievable.

'Wow, you're so beautiful..' That's all I could say. I was starstruck.

'Um, thanks.' She smiled and blushed.

I got up off her bed and walked to her. I kissed her cheek, then her nose, and finally her lips again. I wanted to show her how beautiful she was. I kissed her with passion. She deserved it.

We broke apart.

We smiled at eachother. I decided to make a silly face. Lianna started laughing really hard. She fell onto her bed, holding her stomach from laughing. Her laugh was contagious, I started to laugh too.

Once we calmed down, Lianna got up from her bed, grabbed my hand and we headed downstairs. 

'I'm hungry.' Lianna said. 

'I could cook something?' I suggested.

'You cook?' Lianna asked.

'Eh, I guess.'

'Okay.' She smiled. 'What can you cook?'

'You name it.'

'Caramelized pears, braised pork loin, roast of lamb, with a balsamic reduction, steamed lobster, filet Mignon, roasted duck with raspberry glaze, and a cheese souffle.' She smirked.

'Uhh, how does spaghetti sound?'

She giggled. 'Even better.'


*Lianna's POV*

We finished eating the spaghetti and put our plates in the sink. We moved to the couch and I turned on the tv.

There wasn't really anything on. I checked HBO. Titanic is on..nah, too romantic and boring. Star Wars..yuck, I hate sci-fi. Oh, Twilight, sounds fine. I clicked on Twilight.

'The fighting scenes in this movie are pretty good.'

'I know right. I really like the part where they play baseball.'

I cuddled with Harry a little so he could keep me warm.

We watched the movie for about ten minutes in silence. I decided to break it.

'Looking foward to school tomorrow?'

'Ugh, don't remind me.' Harry rolled his eyes.

I smiled. 'I'm only happy to see my friends, not happy about all the work, though.'

'Same, the teachers give us too much homework, and it isn't even useful.'

'Oh my gosh, you're so right!' I laughed.

'Do any of your friends know we are together?'

'Well I didn't tell anyone except Jenny cos I wasn't sure if you wanted everyone to know.'

'Why wouldn't I want anyone to know?' He gave me one of those dimply smiles.

'I dunno, I was just saying. What about you? Any of your friends know about us?'

'Like two, but I forgot who. I think it's Joe and Randy.'

'Are we planning on like telling people?'

'Yeah, of course, why not?'

I giggled. 'Yay!'

I snuggled with him more and continued watching the movie. 


Author's Note!!!

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person reading my fanfic, so I dont get the purpose of me writing these notes, but oh well. If you are reading, I really appreaciate it!<3

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