Part 18

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Chapter 28 !

Today's Monday..I have to go to school and get bombarded with questions which will result in more crying, most likely.

I got out of bed and headed to clean myself up and get ready for the day.

'Mom, you're taking me to school, right?'

'Well no shit, of course I am.'

I laughed. 'Okeedokee.'

'C'mon, let's go.'


'Stop saying that. It's annoying.'

'Okeedokee.' My mom glared at me. I gave her a devious smile.

She rolled her eyes and walked to the garage.

I got in the passengers seat as my mom turned on the ignition.

'So, your birthday is coming up soon.'

'Oh my gosh, it is isn't it? I totally forgot!' My birthday was a week away. Man, time passes pretty quickly.

'How do you forget your own birthday?' My mom lifted her eyebrow at me.

'Well with the commotions going around, I guess it kind of slipped my mind.' I shrugged my shoulders.

'I see. So what do you want?'

'Hmmm, good question.' We pulled into the school drop off. 'Let me think about it during school?'

'As long as you're also thinking about school work and all that.'

'Haha, okay, will do.'

'Alright, bye, love you.'

'Yup, love you too.' I got out of the car and shut the door.

I walked into the entrance of the school. Harry was sitting on one of the chair in the waiting room thing.

'Babe, hi.' He got up and kissed my cheeck. I blushed.

'Hey Harry.'

'How you feeling?'

'Much better. I'm trying to push it out of my head...and life.'

Harry nodded. 'I would do the same thing.' I hugged Harry.

'Thanks for being here for me, I really needed the shoulder to cry on.'

He hugged me tighter. 'I will always be here for you.'

'Good.' I giggled. 'Let's go to class, yeah?'

'Ugh, yeah, okay. I will see you in theater today?'

'Yea, that sounds like a plan!' I smiled and we parted ways.

As I walked into social studies class, someone slammed their shoulder into mine, and all my books fell out of my hands. 'Ouch..'

I bent down to get all my stuff, not looking up to see who bumped into me. 'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Lianna!' It was Jenny. She bent down too and started helping me.

'Jenny! I haven't talked to in ages! Well technically like 3 days or so.'

Jenny laughed. 'I know right! How have you been? I've been so busy with my art work. My gosh.'

'Oh goodness..let's just say, NEVER, and I mean NEVER, go down that one alley on your way to school.'

Jenny's smile faded. 'W-what happened?'

Ah shoot, I totally brought this upon myself..'Well...' I quickly told Jenny what happened. Tears were threatning to spill as she pulled me into a hug.

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