Part 12

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Chapter 17 !

I was in a peaceful sleep when all of a sudden I heard a car door slam. I jolted up off the couch. I looked at Harry who seemed freaked out and dazed.

'What the he-'

'My parents are home!' I interrupted Harry.

Harry's eyes widened. 'Oh shit. Where do I hide?'

'Uh. Uh. My room! Go!'

Harry ran up the stairs just in time as my parents walked into the house.


'Hey mom. Hey dad. Hi there Carter.' I gave my family a smile.

'Hi. Come help us get the groceries from the car, please.' My dad walked out of the house, I followed.

'Leelee, I had fun at my friends house. We played super hero!' Carter was beaming.

'Aw, how fun, Carter!'

'Yeah, I had a lot of fun. And guess what!?'

'Chicken butt?'

Carter began to giggle uncontrollably. 'Nooooo.' I smiled at him.

'Then what?'


I gasped and pretended I was surprised. 'You lucky boys!'


'Lianna, help. me. with. this. UGH!' My dad dropped a big, heavy looking box on his foot. He bent over, cursing in pain.

'Oh my gosh! Carter go get mommy!'

'Ahhh! Okay!' Carter ran into the house.

'Dad! Are you ok?'

My dad was just on the cement holding his foot tight. 'Oh man, I don't even know if I can walk..'

'Did you break it?'

'I hope not. But it sure feels as though I did.'

My mom and Carter came running towards me and my dad.

'Sweety, what the heck happened?' My mom seemed very worried.

'I dropped that damn piece of shit on my foot and I think my foot is broken.' My dad said, nodding towards "that damn piece of shit". I turned around to quickly cover Carter's ears, but he wasn't there..oh well.

'We need to go to the ER.' My mom stated.

'I think I'm fine.' My dad got up and tried to walk. 'Oh mother of jello, shit, shit, shit!!' My dad doubled over and grabbed his foot. It honestly looked a little silly.. 'Fine, I guess it's the ER.' My dad gave in.

So I guess we're going to the E- Ah shit! Harry's still in my room... 'Um, before we leave, let me see if I have that medical band for Dad.'

'Oh yeah, sounds good, hurry up though.' My mom shooed me away.

I ran into my house and hopped up the stairs and burst into my room. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Harry was sitting on my bed..with CARTER. Shit.

'Uh..' That was all I could mutter.

'Hi Leelee, Hawee was just telling me about race cars.' Carter smiled at me. I gave Harry a 'what-the-heck-happened' kind of face.

'Carter kind of just walked in crying and he saw me. We got to talking.' Harry looked at Carter and ruffled his hair. Aw, that was cute. I smiled at them both.

I walked over to Carter. 'Carter, mommy and daddy don't know that Harry is here right now. Can you please promise me that this will be our little secret?'

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