chapter 25

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"Just because they're good at carrying doesn't mean it's not heavy

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"Just because they're good at carrying doesn't mean it's not heavy."

Chapter 25 - Preparing for War

Tuesday, Morning


For a minute, I stood there dazed, my memory suddenly failing me. It had only been a minute or two at most, but it felt as though I had stood in front of the mirror for a century, simply staring at my own twisted reflection. The thought of Russia seeing me blankly stare at a mirror hadn't even crossed my mind.

It took a minute to snap out of the trance, that minute lost in an effort to reign my thoughts and emotions in. I limply walked into the kitchen and "prepared" a cup of ramen by blindly pouring some water then throwing the cup in the microwave. As the light turned on and the began to spin, I stretched out my body on the couch and laid down.

Russia slowly walked into the room and let out a yawn. "Morning."

I hummed in response and moved my legs to make room on the couch. He took a seat at the end of the couch, letting out a chuckle at the sigh of me sprawled across the couch. For a minute we sat there in silence, before he reluctantly spoke up. "...How are you doing?"

I thought about letting myself roll off the couch and slam on the floor like a dead body. That was really as well as I was doing.

I pushed myself upright so I would look at Russia. "I'm just so fucking tired. I lifted my head to meet Russia's eyes. "Would you be offended if I wanted to just leave and go home?"

He stayed silent for a minute to form a response. "No," he took a moment to think before continuing, "no offense intended, but I'm also tired."

I couldn't help but let out a weak laugh at his response. "Can't believe you just told your best friend to fuck off. Honestly, fair though, 'cause I'm in the mood to listen to some edgy music and sleep until 2." (PM GUYS PM)

Russia glanced over to the kitchen for a moment and shifted in his seat, before sharply nodding. He let out a small sigh and let himself relax. "I get that." He smirked and elbowed my leg. "You'll have to invite me to one of these sessions one day."

I rolled my eyes and kicked him in the chest. "Yeah, yeah. You gotta pay for VIP membership tho if you wanna have a mental breakdown session with the United States of America." Russia hummed and nodded. "Sure. I don't think you want to join mine, anyways."

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