Chapter 221

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The box office for the first day was 30 million.

The box office for the second day was 28 million.

The box office for the third day was 30 million.

The box office for the fourth day was 91.01 million.


On the seventh day, the daily box office was directly over 100 million!

There was no win-win situation in the world. A literary movie was easy to win awards but the things they wanted to express were usually more obscure. They often used artistic methods, montage techniques, empty lens and other ways to express the director's profound meaning.

Therefore, no matter how high the world of mouth of a literary movie, it still made less money than a commercial movie.

However, everyone couldn't believe what Midnight Singing achieved.

After seven days, a total box office of 570 million! It was because the box office for the first two days wasn't high, leading to this number. Since the seventh day at the box office, Midnight Singing received more than 100 million a day. On the 10th day, it even got a terrifying 190 million!

28 days after the end of the global release period, Midnight Singing perfectly ended with a total box office of 4.1 billion, the second highest grossing literary movie in the world. The first was a movie by a Best Male Actor winner in the last century. It told the story of a poor mountainous region and wasn't as heroic as Kang Mina.

The people who saw Midnight Singing were full of praise.

Suzy's acting was unquestionable. Her interpretation of a singer who had no less noble sentiments than anyone else. In her final torture, her singing and expression touched countless people, making the audience burst into tears.

Jimin's part in the movie wasn't much. After all, it was a female heroine drama and he was just the male protagonist in name. But once the web published the audience score and movie review, many critics mentioned Jimin's name with a lot of emotions and admiration.

【 In fact, compared to Suzy, Jimin's performance is really a lot worse but it reached an average level in this movie. I criticized Jimin's acting two years ago. I thought he was a cancer of the entertainment industry. HIs acting was really empty and boring, containing no soul.

Now I have to admit that Jimin made Kang Chul a living person. He is flesh and blood, with a strength that wasn't defeated by the war. Kang Chul's character had no name in history. 】

Yes, his acting wasn't the best but there was definitely progress.

This was the evaluation of Jimin by a film critic.

A large number of critics protested when Jimin was nominated for Best Newcomer by the Golden Bear Awards. In their hearts, Jimin only had a few scenes that could be considered good. How could he be nominated for Best Newcomer?

This dog poop was too strong!

The global box office of An Li was too strong and no good newcomers appeared. How else could Jimin be nominated and the movie industry harmed?

This time, their attitudes towards Jimin changed once Midnight Singing came out. To be able to improve his acting to this level, as least Jimin put a lot of thought into it. They didn't know that Jimin only gained enlightenment during the process of filming An Li.

Therefore, Jimin's performance could only be regarded as barely passable in An Li. But some shots were so good that even Park CY praised him.

Today, Jimin had the global endorsement of a top global luxury brand, the endorsement of several top Korea brands, participated in countless high-end shows as the opening and finale models and filmed several ads. All of them were well received, while he appeared on the covers of the world's top five magazines and  Korea's eight major first-tier magazines.

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