Chapter 229

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At the end of last month, YZ had announced that it would replace its global spokesperson.

YZ had cooperated with Jimin for two years and both sides received a lot of benefits. The change in spokesperson now might seen sudden but other people thought it was natural.

Many luxury brands changed their spokesperson in one year or even half a year. It was because there were fluctuations in the reputation and achievements of the spokesperson in different time periods. For example, if there was a spokesperson with a six months contact who didn't have any good results in six months and had a decline in fame, the brand would naturally change the spokesperson.

This was different from Jimin. In the past two years, he had a fast and unstoppable rise. This allowed YZ to eat a lot of sweetness and they decided to sign with Jimin for two years.

But this time, Jimin reached the top of the world supermodel rankings. If they wanted to sign another contract with Jimin, the cost for YZ would be really too big. At the same time, the two year cooperation also made it necessary for YZ to change to a fresh face, which might be able to bring them a new user base.

Facts proved that YZ took a step backwards but it was a story for a different time.

Late last month, Jimin ended the contract with YZ. In mid-December, he was suddenly announced as the spokesperson for KYE. Once many YZ executives saw this news, they spat out blood and became dizzy.

It was no wonder why Jimin was so refreshed when talking about ending the contract!

He originally left a long time ago.

There should be the most basic trust between person and person. (┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻!!

In any case, Jimin's popularity suddenly soared after the publication of this announcement by KYE. In fact, when Jung Kook cancelled the contract with KYE, many fans noticed that Jimin had cancelled the contract with YZ. But the announcement of his retirement was issued the next day and shifted everyone's attention.

KYE was one of the world's top luxury brands and its development was very comprehensive. Whether it was couture dresses, jewellery, skin car, bags or watches, KYE was at the top in many fields.

KYE's female clothing might be more famous than the menswear but this didn't mean that KYE's global spokesperson must be a woman. For example, the former global spokesperson Jung Kook was a man and he endorsed them for eight years.

【 Why do I suddenly feel that Small Mushroom has received the protection of God Jeon's territory _(:з」∠)_ 】

【 LS It definitely isn't your illusion. This is the first time that I thought God Jeon was an overbearing president! 】

【 When is God Jeon not an overbearing president? 23333 He has always been a king of heaven! 】......

The endorsement of KYE was definitely a milestone in Jimin's career.

The world's major newspapers and magazines talked about the incident and started to analyze how long the contract between Jimin and KYE was.

You know, Jimin was only 19 years old and he would be 20 in half a month. He was a year or two older than when Jung Kook became KYE's spokesperson but for a supermodel, this age definitely wasn't old.

Being first in the world at 19 years old, this meant that Jimin had unlimited possibilities.

He still had many things to do, he still had a lot of awards and achievements to gain. He didn't have to take care of a designer's career like Jung Kook so he might completely surpass Jung Kook as a model, to the people that people couldn't even imagine!

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