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𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔢 to Mak's word, within an hour you were scrubbed clean and freshly dressed in a gown similar to Feliciti's. Your dagger had been attached to your belt with a small, stylish sheath. You were beyond surprised they let you keep it. The dress didn't fit very well, but you were assured it would only be for the day before your dresses would be ready. 

Your doubt must have shown, for Feliciti grinned and patted your arm. "Believe me, it'll be no problem-- even with the number of dresses Cap'n ordered for you." She said the last with her grin widening. 

You raised your eyebrows slightly as Mak finished marking the fabrics they'd decided to use. They were mostly shades of blue in different materials, along with a green and a deep purple. "Somehow I find that hard to believe-- why would he waste so much money on me?" 

Mak laughed, stacking up the fabrics. "What, you think he can't afford it, with him being the--" She was cut off by Feliciti's quick head shake. 

"Him being the?" You questioned. 

"Nothing. If he hasn't told you, it's not our place to say." Feliciti replied quickly. Mak shrugged. 

"Anyway, do you need anything else?" Mak said. "Before we go, I mean. We better get started on these, 'specially if Kid wants you for--" Feliciti cut her off again. 

"You're over here spilling all the man's secrets-- do you want night watch? Obviously he's wanting to tell her." 

"Alright, alright."  Mak said defensively. "Anyway, Y/N?" You had told the girls to drop your title within ten minutes of them being in the room with you. You'd never liked it anyway. Except when Blind- no, Blink- says it. Your traitorous brain whispered. 

With difficulty you stamped down on the thought-- it would do you no good to think like that-- where had that even come from-- of course you weren't thinking so-- and said, "Well, I would like to see my uncle, if you please."

"What, the hottie? He's your uncle?" Mak blurted, eyes widening. 

"Mak!" Feliciti hissed. "First off, you've got a beau. Secondly, that's entirely inappropriate for you to say."

"It's just an observation. But, Lici, you don't get it, it's weird." Mak said, shaking her head. "How old is he?" 

You explained the situation. 

"Oh good. That's marginally better. But still, trouble." Mak tsked, shaking her head. "And you're sure you're not part fae? Cause that boy is finee." 

"I don't think so." You fought the urge to laugh. "Though my brother is convinced otherwise." 

"Anyway, we'll have to be going now." Feliciti said, towing Mak out of the door. "I'll see what I can do about your uncle." She called back, closing the door behind her. 

Your heart sank a bit as the lock clicked. But you did have to remember, for all the girls' laughter and friendliness they were still pirates. Kozmiran pirates. 

Even if they didn't act like pirates. Even if you felt like you could be good friends with them. 

The doorknob turned and David's head appeared. "Hey N/N." He said with a little smile as he stepped in. Somebody closed the door behind him, and you were willing to bet they were waiting in the hallway. 

"Hey Davey." You said, giving him a small smile in return as you hugged him. "Are you alright?" You flicked your eyes up and down him, reassuring yourself. He had a bandage wrapped around his hand, but otherwise looked unhurt. He was wearing simple clothes like the other boys', but they fit him well. 

"I'm fine. Are you alright?" He said, raising his eyebrows. 

"All limbs intact." You nodded. 

A grin quirked his lips as he looked around your room. "Well this is fancy." 

"What's your room like?" You asked, suddenly a little sheepish you hadn't thought to ask. 

"Well, it's a bunk. In a room. With all the other boys." David said slowly. "It's not bad though, considering. More comfortable than a floor." 

You nodded. "I really don't know why he gave me a whole room like this." You said, motioning around. "It's not really what you'd expect from a pirate, is it?" 

"No. At least, I don't think so. Maybe they're all like this, and the previous ones were the odd ones out." 

"... I don't think so." You said after a second. "Generally speaking, at least." 

David nodded. "Well I don't want to know enough to repeat the experience, so I'll guess we'll have to just... be thankful." 

"For now, sure. But what happens when we get to land again?" You said in a small voice, the day starting to catch up to you. "What's gonna happen to us?" 

"Maybe he'll just skip the government and ransom us back himself." David said, a light of hope in his voice. 

You shook your head a bit. "He told me he'd hand us over to the king. Either that or..." You trailed off, fighting the flush that threatened to rise to your cheeks at the memory of the boy captain's closeness and words. 

"Or?" David prompted. 

"He'd keep me-- us." You amended, hoping that the pink in your cheeks didn't show. "If he liked me, he said."

David sighed, dropping his head and pacing around the room. "Well neither of those sound like amazing options." 

"No, they don't." You agreed, shaking your head. "But.. I think that the king might be worse." 

David was nodding before you finished your sentence. "At least if we stay here we've a chance to escape. And it would be better-- or at least not worse." 

You nodded back at him. "Yes." You agreed softly. 

"So that just means... you have to make him like you. So he keeps you." David frowned slightly, thinking over his words and how they applied to his niece (and practically-sister). "Maybe this is a bad idea." 

"It's the only idea." You pointed out. "So it'll have to do." 

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