Part 2

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I don't know what it is about listening to sad music when you're already sad but its one of my favorite things to do. But even if the day has felt long and uneventful my lips can't help but quirk up at the familiar head of grey curls, and glasses perched low enough to be resting on lips instead of a nose.

Mrs. Ruth is one of my favorite people in the world. Her class is my favorite ever. Art. I wave at her from my table as I take a seat.

Her warm smile, with crinkled lines in the end makes my heart clench in a familiar way thats only amiable within this room and between these walls.

I start taking out my sketch book, and pencil to start on the prompt of the day. When I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn and gasp, my smile is so wide I feel like I resemble the joker right now.

Xena Vermont, is a tall raven headed fireball . At least thats what she is to me. I met her on the first month of school and we've gotten a lot closer. Her moms from Haiti while her dads Irish, hence her long tresses of spiral curls.

I've missed her so bad. She went to visit her grandparents upstate and was finally back.

I tug on her braid. "You're lucky you found me here, I was really thinking of converting to a nun without you." She rolls her light brown eyes. I've always been envious of them but she calls me stupid for thinking that and shuts me up after.

"Mila, you won't even make it past applying with your wattpad search history." I hit her arm. Hard. I don't feel bad because nothing is worse then this.

She clutches it and glares at me in accusation.

"You're so loud! Want me to be socially condemned for life." I whisper yell at her. She smirks at me. Darn her.

"Quit being a baby and lets go," I want to argue about where else would we be sitting. When I yank my things just in time for her to drag me to the back of the class.

I'm just about to open my mouth when the sight of a familiar mop of brown curly hair stops me. Cafe boy? What the hell.

"Xani, you know him?" I ask cryptically, she looks at me weird.

"Did you hit your head Mila? or you being dumb right now," I stick my tongue out at her. She sighs, she seems to do that when she has to repeat something she's already told me.

"He's my cousin," She looks at me as if expecting to see a bell go off in my head."The one I told you was transferring here in the fall." Oh. So thats who stole my table at the cafe the other night.

I must of been thinking too hard because she drags me the few steps remaining and I find myself standing in front of a boy with grey eyes who only know how to glare at me.

I can't help but smile.

"Mila, this is Jonah," she gestures towards him, but he just stares at me no expression on his face.

"Hi," I mumble, shifting my feet awkwardly.

"Jonah, this is Mila." He looks up at me, a certain emotion crosses his face but just as quick as it came its gone. He gives me a tense nod before going back to his sketching.

I plop myself on the seat next to him, while Xani sits across from us.

I shift around in my seat, antsy at his closeness. Its just I can feel how warm he is without even touching him and its making me feel weird.

I try to focus on the task at hand, and let my hair fall to create a curtain between him and me. I'm so engrossed in my sketch, I forget I'm sharing a table and so when my elbow sticks out abruptly to erase a mistake its too late to rectify my actions.

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