Part 18

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I wince, my cheek feels trampled and stepped over. I'm trying to find a comfortable position to settle on without laying on my side.

Rosie is laying her little head on my belly, as we watch christmas movies.

We're watching The Grinch, he's really mean but at the end he turns nice and his heart grows three sizes.

He kinda reminds me of Jonah. I bet Jonah doesn't really care for christmas the way I do, but I'm getting him something regardless.

He can kiss my butt or suck it up because I'm spoiling him as much as I can.

He still hasn't answered, it's only been 20 minutes though.

I refuse to bite my nails, a habit I do when I'm anxious. But I refuse to do it worrying over what Jonah might be doing or who.

I shouldn't care, he's just my friend.

I bite my lip in thought when I hear small taps on my window that the longer I wait the more harsh they become.

What the hell? Is someone trying to break my window that's not cool.

I scoot Rosie aside and get to my feet and aim for the window, I peak my head out. I don't really see anything or anyone. Oh right I should probably look down.

I look down and see a grouchy tall guy who looks awfully a lot like Jonah. I shake my head wait.

No that is freaking Jonah.

I cover my mouth. He can't be here, he can't see me like this.

I open the window, I feel bad refusing him when he's practically covered in snow, his pretty long lashes covered in specks of snow. His face flushed red from the cold.

I grimace, "Jonah you can't be here." I cover the side of my cheek with my hair. His thick brows furrow together, the familiar tic in his jaw comes alive telling me he's annoyed.

"Mila open the window." His voice could bring me to tears it's deep and gravel smooth like it always is, I want him here I do but not right now.

"Jonah is not a good time." I finalize, I grind my teeth trying to hold it together.

He scoffs, "Why got better things to do?" He proceeds to climb over a ledge that leads to my attic and straight to my bedroom. I grip my window rest as I watch him.

I try not to be affected. "I do actually."

He climbs over and to the attic. "Oh really? Are you behind on your sex books?" He's such a dick sometimes.

I grit my teeth, "Yes actually and I have to read it in private." He looks up at me, his grey eyes so sparkly looking mixed with the night sky.

His pink lips stretch into a smirk. "No problem I can help with that." He's finally at my window, right in front of me. I gulp nervously.

"I could always lend you a hand if you need it." I don't miss the double meaning in that or the way I've become flushed and it's not from the cold.

He grabs my hand, and for the first time it's just as cold as mine.

"Mila c'mon you're freezing and I'm a stubborn asshole, we can't both lose tonight." I reluctantly move aside, his lips pull up into a lopsided grin. His face is arrogant as he gets in. I roll my eyes, he plays dirty.

The only reason I let him in is because the idiot decided to come to my house during a snow storm in nothing but a black longe sleeve and grey sweatpants.

I know he doesn't live far from me but I was afraid if he stayed out for longer he'd catch a cold again.

I see him rub his hands trying to warm up, his grey sweats hang low on his slim waist. As his arms pull up I'm met with a glimpse of his defined v-line and my eyes turn wide as I look away.

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