Part 8

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Do your cheeks ever hurt from smiling too much? It's a real thing, but it hurts so good y'know?

I wave excitedly at Ms. Violet. "Hey Ms.V! Keep up the good work. Love your sweater by the way." She looks up tiredly as she yawns. Her blue eyes crinkled and bored as she waves me off before shushing me. I laugh quietly to myself, her eyes sending me a warning. I bite my lip.

She's my favorite librarian, well she is the only librarian but something about her quells my heart.

Ahh. The smell of old dusty books. Just the simple fact of being surrounded by them makes me feel like the world isn't full of villains and distraught heroes.

I walk towards a table centered on the far right by a window, I moan in relief when my backpack hits the seat, I love books with all my heart but I'd give anything not to have to carry them.

I'm currently still reading Punk 57, I don't know much about boys but Misha Lare makes me want to, desperately.

Jonah hasn't mentioned anything regarding it, but I feel the miscreants in my stomach betray me when the thought of him reading leaves a knotting sensation inside me, like I'm being squeezed inside out.

I'm on chapter 13 of when Misha sneaks into Ryens room without her knowing when a voice makes me freeze.

"Are you reading porn?" I yelp, grasping my heart and trying to conceal my red freaking face. Who says that? This is mortifying.

I look towards the face of a familiar brunette. His lips pulled up into a cheeky smirk.

"Quiet!" I shush him. He looks at me amusingly just how he had the first time I spoke to him asking for directions to the attendance office. He ignores me and continues to seat down across from me.

He leans back and smiles at me. "I think you owe me a name if you don't want me to reveal your porn stash."

I scowl at him. "That's mean, anyway how would you have known that if you hadn't read it yourself." I cross my arms over my chest as I look at him.

He laughs. "Touché. I did always have a thing for bad boys with tattoos." He crosses his legs, while his forearms expose the long expanse of tattoos peeking through and then hiding away.

My eyes widen. He simply smiles like I just put two and two and he knows it.

"Mila. My names Mila, what's yours?" I say putting a small shy smile on my face.

He bites his lip, his pearly whites showing as he sticks his big hand in front of me. "Hi Mila I'm Kalen Wren, I think will get on just fine." I put my hand timidly in his as he beams at me and we shake hands. His hand smooth in mine.

He snatches the book from me, my hands caught off guard as I play with my nails.

He looks at where I last was and there's a gleam in his eyes as he looks at me.

"Ah you just got to the best part," he closes it. "I'd recommend reading at home don't want any accidents." he looks me over while I'm just as embarrassed he even knows this book.

I groan hiding my face in my arms as I turn my head sideways to look at him. "Are you always this.." I doze of to think of the right word. "I don't know, crude?"

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