Part 9

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I love walking through central park at night, all deserted and solemn like an old friend that greets you every once in a while. I can feel my heart against my palm, can smell the rain, and come alive with the fireflies.

I used to love catching fireflies when I was little, I still do, something about cradling something so small and full of light makes the cold ache of the world seem less cold.

I roll my comfort rock in my palm, if you look close enough you can see the sticker I stuck on of Frog and Toad Are Friends from my favorite book as a kid. It comforts me when I get bad anxiety.

The city can be so pretty when it wants to be, all bright and glowy, with its high buildings that dwarf over you like giants. Right now leaves are falling, the crunch under my feet makes me so happy.

I perk up at the sight of a wishing well, my youngest memories are of me tossing coins in while my dad juggled me on his shoulders, when everything was a lot more white then grey.

The memories are so bittersweet they tug at me but I refrain from thinking of them, I don't want to spoil a good day.

I shake the thoughts away as I walk towards it, when I notice a figure all dark with shadows. I don't really carry coins so maybe they'd be willing to let me borrow one.

I tentatively approach them, maybe it's a sweet old person in need of cheering up, maybe I can make them smile.

I grip my comfort rock harder in between my hands.

"Hi! I'm Mila, I tend to come here a lot and I just happened to notice a wishing well you know like the one in front of us and it got me thinking. I don't have any spare change on me but I was hoping if I could possibly borrow one. I promise I'll pay it back," I sent them a sweet smile, and keep a safe distance because I didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

"Fuck sake." I gasp oh my it can't be Jonah? Can it? Before I could think on it longer, I feel him yank my wrist and take us underneath the lamp post so
I could see his very handsome angry face.

I laugh, "Jonah what are you doing here?" I bring his face closer with my hands laying softly on his cheeks but he rejects my touch and shrugs it away. Okay I get it. No touching that's fine.

"What exactly did you think was going to happen?" A perplexed Jonah is standing in front of me, looking tired, bags under his eyes as he glares at me, dark grey eyes.

I'm confused

"I needed a coin to toss in the wishing well you see," I point to the well behind us, making him turn halfway before looking at me dumbly. He rubs his face. "I was going to ask well ... you I didn't know it was you at first though but it worked out." I say with a smile on my face.

He looks at me dumbfounded, "Mila it's late, it's not safe to be out by yourself."

I know he didn't mean it in a bad way, or any way at all but the implication that I can't take care of myself doesn't sit well with me. I've been taking care of myself for so long and I've done a good job at least I think I have.

"I can take care of myself." my voice full of conviction that Jonah's eyes go wide before they soften at how strongly I say it.

He nods, "I know you can I just-," he stops himself and thins his lips. "Forget it." He side steps me with every intention of leaving when I grip his hand at his side and stop him.

"You don't have to leave." I put my fingers through his. He doesn't reject my touch he actually lets me.

"I wasn't planning to anyway," he says roughly into my neck, his breath so close due to me
halting him. I swallow and nod happily, knowing he's a shit liar. I grin to myself.

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