Part 20

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I stare at my plate uninterested, it's been getting tiresome to eat again. Nights turn longer, days get shorter, and the constant feeling of being cold turns into a state of being.

I've been playing with the stale mash potatoes from lunch when a tickling sensation spreads through my palm.

I jerk away but an annoyed Kalen grips my hand back. I stare at him waiting for him to notice my displeasure at him doodling on my palm like a sketch book.

"It better not be a dick," is all I say before looking away but not failing to notice Kalen's mischievous smile he tries to smother.

It's been a few days since my mishap is what I'm calling it from saving myself the mortification of remembering Jonah has seen me bruised and at my very worst.

We haven't spoken about it and conversations between us has dwindled down to hellos and goodbyes and the notion of that makes me sad the longer I think about it.

It's not like we aren't constantly around each other or engage in a bit of words but he's recluse it's like he's gone into his own shell and I'm not welcomed and that's fine.

I've been silent as well it takes two not to talk but I'm also too tired to push. Or it feels like I am but then I look at him and there's so much I want to say but can't find the way to do it when he won't even look my way.

"Done!" I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Kalen yells out happily he's done assaulting my hand.

I pinch my eyes shut dreading the outcome but look down anyways.

"Kalen," I whine, how am I going to go around today with a drawing of a butt that says big butts don't lie.

I shove him away, while he hollers out a laugh. He starts cooing at me but I move farther away from him.

"Where the hell is Jonah when you need him?" Xina asks looking up from her math homework frustratingly. I send her a empathetic smile I hate math too, whoever invented it can choke.

"He's probably somewhere being bitter." Kalen says with a shrug. "Don't worry babes he'll come around let me text the butthole." I try to hide a small grin but can't.

"I can't believe he's been blowing us off." Xina says appalled, "What's up his butt anyways?" She rolls her eyes clutching her pencil tightly it makes me wanna laugh she looks like an angry toddler.

"Never mind there he is," I turn my head just as Kalen says it and my smile deflates.

It's Ivy. Ivy and Jonah together.

She's got her manicured hand on his bicep the familiarity of the touch doesn't escape me. His head turned as she leans up to whisper in his ear with his hand on her elbow as her red lips drop closer to his neck.

His jaw ticks but I turn around not wanting to see there interaction any longer.

Xina scoffs, "Did he come out of the bathroom with her or something?" I look down at my hands, I start to fidget with them. I look back up to see Kalen slap Xina on her arm as she darts her eyes to me.

Xina's mouth gapes like a fish, "I meant it seemed like it ... but I bet Jonah isn't that stupid." She says reassuringly as if it should matter even if he did, we are friends nothing more nothing less.

Right as I shrug and her hand rubs my arm soothingly she darts her eyes to something above me or rather someone.

"Nice of you to grace us with your presence your highness." Kalen says bitterly, while poking a stern finger at what I'm assuming is an unbothered Jonah.

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