Part 16

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I felt stuck. No something was keeping me under their grip, I tried swaying away but a big weight was keeping me down and steady.

I blink away the sleep from my eyes, my mind foggy and honestly non functional right now.

A whimper escapes my lips, my neck freaking hurts the more I turn to look over at my side. I look to my left to see no one one, a big pile of white rumpled sheets and a pillow halfway off the bed.


Where the hell is he? I go to move my legs to look for him when I knock against a hairy something. Wait a minute.

I uncover myself and peer down, a head of messy wild curls is resting on my stomach. A heavy arm gripping my waist, no wonder I couldn't move I had an ape strapped to me.

I clench my legs, I really need to pee.

I tug on Jonah's firm arms, god he's so hot like burning. I feel sweaty.

I tug on his arm but all he does is dig his face deeper into my stomach, mumbling incoherent words making me freeze. He squeezes me harder to him.

Does he think I'm a teddy bear? He's squeezing the life out of me and my bladder.

I'll pee on him if he doesn't stop, unless he likes that. Mila stop it.

So I do what I have to. I yank his hair right on his scalp and he instantly fly's up, I would laugh if I didn't feel bad from the grimace of pain on his face.

His eyes are scrunched shut not wanting to open them, while his cheeks hold sleep lines and look warm and pink. How is he the cutest thing first thing in the morning? Curse him.

His grey eyes open, angry and accusatory as he looks at me.

"What the fuck, Mila," He rasps out, all croaky and deep from sleep. My ovaries explode can that happen?

"You were using me as your personal pillow— squeezing the shit out of me you asshat." I raise my tank top to show him the marks of his fingers on my stomach and angry red lines from sleep.

They didn't really hurt only momentarily. But his eyes widen as he takes in my exposed tan midriff so close to peeking at my pink and white bra. He swallows roughly, his grey eyes stuck on my belly button.

"It's nice isn't it?" I look down at my belly button ring, it hurt like a bitch but Adryan dared me to so I had to and I actually really love it.

His face is unreadable as he shakes his head in a nod entranced on something. Such a weirdo in the morning.

I go to get off the bed before I feel Jonah grip me back, his brows furrowed in question. His eyes cautious.

"I'm sorry for squeezing you in my sleep, but you don't have to leave." I laugh, clutching my stomach. I can see Jonah looking at me confused and looking so cute as he stares at me laughing.

I grab his face, gripping his cute cheeks.

"I'm not leaving you, you oversized teddy bear, I'm going to the bathroom or would you like me to pee on you? His nose scrunches, his eyes big in alert as he quickly lets my wrist go.

I continue laughing as I go to the bathroom. I jump back as my reflection stares back at me. I look awful, like really really bad. Poor Jonah has to look at me.

My hair is a big mess of curls, while the bags under my eyes are big and deep. I look pale and sickly, I quickly do my business and clean my hands. Washing my face too and flatting my hair down with my hands futilely.

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