Part 10

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"Sit still or I'll shove this down your throat." I threaten, Jonahs eyes go wide that I can't help but laugh.

I clutch my stomach from laughing, tears welling in my eyes.

His lips purse, "It wasn't that funny quit laughing." I can't breathe but eventually I stop and see his face all broody sitting in my pink flower bed. The contrast is one I thought I'd never see.

I direct the medicine to his lips, he scrunches his face in disgust before swallowing and coughing.

"That wasn't so bad was it." I smirk at him.

He simply glares at me and flips me off before wiping his mouth on his sleeve, and that wasn't supposed to be as hot as it was.

I look away, going to the bathroom to retrieve a towel and wetting it slightly on the sink.

I approach him and wordlessly motion him to lay down. He does slowly, his long legs off the bed because he's so freakishly tall but he'll fit.

"Can I?" I hold the damp towel and proceed when he nods, I push up his soft curls and touch his hot forehead. I think he has a fever. I place the rag on his hot skin, he hisses in relief. The pinkness of his cheeks really prominent when illuminated under my lamp.

I don't think anyone should look so adorably cute when their sick but Jonah manages to just fine.

I touch his cheek one last time to check how hot his temperature runs, all while he stares at me with a weird expression on his face. One I'm trying really hard to ignore.

"Ok!" I clap my hands enthusiastically, "Let me go make you my famous chicken noodle soup."

I start piling all the ingredients into a big pot of boiling water. Lowering the heat as it starts to bubble. I grab the tea kettle and pour the hot water into a mug that says 'pugs rule!' I hope he likes chamomile tea.

I reach my room door, I peek inside trying to disturb him as least as possible. The steam of the tea blowing into my face soothingly, I sigh contentedly at the smell.

I walk in to a drowsy Jonah standing near my book shelve, with a hand holding the wet towel to his forehead as he examines my books. What a cute idiot. He looks funny standing there.

"Jonah," I lift up the cup of tea to him as he tips his head back to look at me.

He goes back to the book in his hand when my cheeks heat up at the cover I recognize instantly from the tie in the front when he lifts it up to me.

He half smirks, "You've read fifty shades before?" I lean down to place the cup of tea on my night stand, untucking my hair to hide my redness.

"Yeah." I look at him shyly.

He bites his lip, "Like all of them?"

"A couple?" I say it more like a question than an answer.

"Nice," He grins skimming the book, god this is mortifying. Something about being interrogated about reading smutty books makes me want to dig a whole and hide.

I reach him quick to stop his fingers from reading anything I wrote. I grab the book from his hands and tuck it behind me.

"Have you?" I don't know why I ask but the way he was holding the book and reading over it was like it wasn't his first time with it.

A dimple peeks out when he smiles, "Yeah, just the first one." My fingers are staring to sweat.

"What'd you think?" He towers over me easily, even sick and tired he looks better than I ever could.

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