Fever pt.1

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As you both got to the doors of the building you opened them to see rain. Hard rain. "Ah shit I don't have an umbrella. Do you?" You asked. He looked at you and shock his no.

"Ugh." You exhaled. You smirked and looked up at him. He raised in an eyebrow in confusion. "Wanna race." You said. A smirk grew on his face. "Let's go straight to mine." He said


You both took off into the rain. You didn't live far but this run felt like forever. As you ran you both caught up with each other. You would share a glance and laughed at one another.

As he laughed you felt like you were floating. You loved seeing him smile. You love all of him. You loved... him. You wished this moment was forever.

You saw his house and started to sprit even faster. "H-HEY WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled trying to catch up. "HAHAHA SLOW MOTHER FUCKER." You yelled as you reacher his porch.

"You definitely cheated!" He complained. You drenched hair away from your face as you laughed. "You're a sore loser." You glanced over at him and you breath was taken away.

His muscles were outlined through his drenched shirt. His hair fell almost perfectly over his face. "Oi what's wrong some on me?" He asked. "Uh no you just look like a wet dog." You laughed.

"AND SO DO YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He said. He opened the door and walked in. "Wait here." He said as he ran upstairs. You did as you were told and waited at the door. Very cold.

He came back down with a pair of grey sweats and a black shirt. "Put these on after you shower" He said as you handed you the clothes. "Uh- These are y-your clothes?" You blushed.

"Duh. You need to get something dry on or you'll get sick." He said. "You know where the shower is." He took your bag and placed in on the chair by the door. "Thanks." You said running upstairs

You got in the bathroom and took a shower placing your very wet clothes in the sink. And your dry clothes over the toilet seat.

After your shower you dried off and changed into his clothes. Before stepping out you grabbed the shirt and smelt it. 'Caramel...' You smiled to yourself. You opened the door and walked to his door.

You knocked twice before coming in when you heard a "Come in." "Where's Auntie and Uncle?" You asked as you dried your hair with the towel around your neck. "Gone for a 2 week work trip." He said.

He was laying on his bed on his phone. You sat at his desk and opened your phone. "I won't stay for long. I'll wash your clothes and give them back tomorrow." You said walking to the door.

"W-wait!" He grabbed your arm and you looked back at him confused. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Can you promise me something?" He said looking down at the floor. "Of course." You said turning to face him.

"Don't. Please don't date or go out with any of the guys in our class. Their all idiots and If anything happens to you I'll kill them!" He said. You smiled and lifted his head so you could see him.

"I promise I won't date any of the boys in your little...boy club." You smiled and he rolled his eyes. "Shut up!" He said. You laughed as you walked downstairs.

"i'll come by in the morning your ass better be up and ready when I get there." He said as he handed you your bag and another bag with your clothes at the door. "Yes yes yes I know mom." You laughed.

You turned and walked down a step when you didn't hear the door close. You turned and ran up to him wrapping your arms around his waist. "See you tomorrow." You mumbled.

He stood their shocked at the action. "Yeah." He wrapped his hands over you and rested his head over yours. Finally you both let go and you ran back home. He watched as you left into you walked in safely.

"I'm home." You said. You've lived alone since you were 14 after your parents got in a car crash. Now 16 you've gotten somewhat used to a very quite house. You made yourself a cup of ramen and scrolled through your phone.

After eating you did the dishes and ran upstairs to your room. You looked in the mirror and saw you were still in Bakugos clothes. You giggled to yourself and hopped into bed.

After tossing and turning you finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep.



"OI LITTLE SHIT ARE YOU UP! IM COMING IN!" You heard a yell from downstairs. You grumbled and curled into a ball.

"It-it's so hot." You whispered. Bakugo knocked at your door and you let out a loud groan letting him know he could come in. "Oi your gonna be late let's go... OI what happened!?!" He yelled

"Your so loud." You mumbled. He ran up to you and placed his hand on your forehead. You blushed at the contact but it wasn't noticeable since you were already red. "YOU HAVE A FEVER IDIOT!" He yelled

"What? No I don't. Give me a couple minutes and I'll be ready." You sat up. Katsuki blushed at the fact that you slept in his clothes. He pushed you back down on the bed. "No. You stay here and I'm gonna take care of you." He said

"Bakugo you really don't have to-" You were cut off by a flick to your forehead. "Ow!" You said. "I'm taking care of you more shut up. Now get out of these clothes and I'll bring you something." He said

"I haven't done laundry yet." You mumbled. He let out a sigh and got up. "Stay here I'll bring you a bunch of my clothes." He walked out. You blushed as you stared at the ceiling.


He came back rather quick and with a bag of medicine since he knew you didn't have any. "Here change into this." He handed you a grey hoodie with grey sweats. "This is warm clothes tho." You complained.

"You need to sweat out the fever so get into this and lay down I'm gonna bring you a wet cloth." He said closing the door. "Tch. Little shit. I always gotta take care of your ass." Bakugo mumbled to himself as he poured cold water on the cloth.

"Oi you done changing?" Bakugo yelled from the other side of the door. "Yeah." You said. You sat on the side of the bed. "What are you doing lay down." He said. "This feels weird. It's really hot." You complained.

"Tch. Come on go lay down and sleep. I'll be downstairs." He said putting the cloth on your forehead. "You can go to school you know. You don't have to take care of me." You muttered.

"You won't take care of yourself so i'm stuck having to do it! Besides I don't wanna see those fuckers anyways." He said. "Don't call them that! They are our friends." You scolded him.

"Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Sorry. That your stuck here with me." You said softly. "Don't apologize for stupid shit. You know I hate that." He told you. "Yeah but still... can't help but feel bad." You said

You turned to face the wall when you felt something warm behind you. You tensed when you felt Bakugou wrap his arm around you. "Go to sleep." He muttered. "O-okay." You said.

You were smiling with glee at the fact that you were kinda cuddling with your childhood love. "Katsuki." He said. "huh?" You turned around completely. "Call me Katsuki. We've known each other for years so might as well. And you're Ame." He said

You blushed and smiled at him. "Thank you Katsuki." You snuggled into his chest as your wrapped an arm around him. "Yeah." He muttered hiding his flustered face into your hair.

(OC x Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now